
Hi seniors . now that we are in the time of year where we can reap the bounty of our gardens ...?

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what particular things are you just crazy for ?

i love new potatoes and carrots

blackberries , of which i freeze enough for all winter .and they are free, lol.

wish we could get those huge long watermelons here , that have red juicy fruit and big black seeds ( i miss those type , we have just "seedless " which cant compare )

how about a few of your faves .

i also love fresh cut spinach and beet tops , yum. have a good day and thanks. d.




  1. Bell peppers!  I love to use them in cooking.  I freeze tons of them.

    Summer squash.

    Okra and those end of season hard green tomatoes -- both are so good fried.

  2. Fresh corn - yum! So many people overcook it; they don't know what they are missing. 8 minutes in boiling water is enough.

    I remember when the produce stands back in Iowa had watermelon for 2 1/2 cents a pound. Not uncommon to pay nearly 75 cents for a big one.

    I, too, love the blackberries. They are very late this year (Western WA)so I've only just recently started picking them. My tomatoes have just started to get a little color.

  3. Just finished up 3 days of assorted canning. Cherry trees produced well this year so made a lot of Cherry jam. Cucumbers did very well too as I have made Bread and Butter pickles along with Kosher Dills. Even pickled some Jalapenos.

    Have dried out a ton of Basil and still have a ton left. Tomatoes are coming in fair but I didn't plant many so am just having fresh when I want them. I usually make and can salsa but might not get there this year. Also made several batches of 4 berry jam and blueberry jam.

    By November, I'll be canning venison, chicken and maybe pork this year. I grow these things at my moms which is where I also make wine in her basement. This is a good reason to check on her daily and make sure she gets all the produce, jam and wine she wants.( without her feeling like I am checking up on her)

  4. I'm getting hungry reading answers. In addition to what has been mentioned I love cucumbers and we just cut up a cantalope.

  5. .I love squash, okra, and the things you mentioned. We planted watermelon, the ones with the black seeds. We live in the south and grow lots of veggies. Watermelon is very good for you, you should eat a slice every other day. Even in Winter.

  6. I'm a crappy farmer.  The only thing I can get to grow are little red  peppers!  Everything else dies or gets eaten up by invisable bugs that I just can't seem to "catch" anywhere on or around the plants!  

  7. I love radishes, but all I have after 6 weeks are green tops with no radishes. The pack says 30 days....24-8-16 fertilizer helped, but no yield yet. (sniff).

  8. I love bell peppers. I use them in almost everything I cook. Right now mine are turning red and beautiful!  And we will make meals this month out of homemade sourdough bread, fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob.  I cook it in a steaming bag in the microwave for 5 minutes. Delicious

  9. Everything you mentioned I really love.

    I just love having the garden and eating the things and being able to share with others too.  Mom use to can many things.  I don't guess I should though.

    I miss the big watermelons too.  so juicy in the old days!  Don't forget the sweet corn!!  Add some carrot tops to the salad too!!! yum yum

  10. Did not have a great garden this year.. got a few tomatoes thats it...

    next year I will do better!!

  11. I'm growing lettuce, tomatoes & spices & I want to start sugar peas again. I've tried other things, like strawberries, but the birds or bugs get them before I do.

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