
Hi seniors . where you live what are the nicest trees and flowering trees you have in your area ?

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here we have 300 year old cedar trees , covered in moss .

we also have streets lined with flowering ornamental cherry trees that each spring are bursting with flowers . very pretty .

i have always wanted to see trees covered in spanish moss and also would love to see many magnolias at one time .

how about your area and where are you ar ?

me , in b.c. canada . have a good afternoon . thanks . vd.




  1. Azaleas, roses,angel trumpets and magnolias are my favorites here in Florida. Right now, just angel trumpets and roses are blooming.

  2.    We have all types of trees out here in the country. I love oaks and maples. My husband had all the pine trees cut down around our house. We have beautiful magnolia trees too.  Poppy

  3. I live on the Texas coast, we have oak trees covered in spanish moss and magnolias everywhere, they're lovely. And when the azaleas are in bloom and the honeysuckle is thick in the air, it's magnificent.

  4. In the spring we have dogwoods and magnolias.  In early summer we have mimosas.  Right now the crepe myrtles are in full bloom.

    Norfolk VA

  5. North East Florida.

    Southern magnolia: big tree with glass dark green leaves and big white flowers.  Very common here.  Usually bloom shortly after the...

    Redbuds and Dogwoods in spring.

    Golden Rain Tree: yellow blossoms in spring and big pink seed pods in the fall.

    Crape myrtles: red, pink, white, and lavender flowers during the hottest part of summer which here is pretty hot.

    Live oak: large evergreen oaks with impressive limb span.  They are the trees you see in all the photographs often laden with Spanish moss.

    Slash pine, yellow pine, and longleaf pine: perhaps the most common trees in our area and still economically very important for their timber and turpentine.

    Sabal aka cabbage palm:  Fan like fronds, the state tree of Florida.

    Date palms, jelly palms, etc...

    Pecans, walnuts...

    Hickory: known for it's nuts and hard wood which is popular for smoking meats.

  6. This is really a bush, but has the appearance of a tree.  It's our beautiful lilacs that bloom in the spring time here.  They provide nice shade after the flowers have bloomed.  Here's how they look . . .

  7. There are many trees around here but in our yard we have, fruitless mulberry, pecan, oak, walnut and moms rain tree.

  8. Trees?  Here in WYOMING???  HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Well... there ARE trees, just not here in the basin... usually in the mountains, or where there's water or they've been planted and irrigated.

    Right now, we are "experiencing" a HUGE Forest fire (called the Gunbarrel Fire... see link below) which has now consumed over 53,000 acres of back country woods just east of Yellowstone National Park.  The smoke and ash have been TERRIBLE (burning since July 26th!!!).

    The only trees I have on my property are "alien" species of Russian Olive... nasty, thorned trees that have no value!

    A native tree that's a nuisance is the Cottonwood.  Just wait for the "cotton" from the Cottonwood to blow ALL over inside your house, your car, your everything.

    The mountains have most of the trees and at that, mostly pines.

    Otherwise, the only trees that bloom are ornamental planted by people on purpose.

    Have a Senior day.

  9. Right now the Rose of Sharons are blooming. I have lavender, red, and white ones with single and double blooms!  The hummingbirds love them. In the spring, we have magnolia trees, but they are different from the ones in the South.  We don't have Spanish moss in Pennsylvania.  Also, the broad leaf rhododendrons are beautiful in spring here. We also have flowering cherry trees. =)

  10. In my garden there are Cherry/hawthorn/Magnolia/apple trees(Devon U.K.)

  11. I live in florida and I love palm trees. Also the native type flowering plants - jasmines, hibiscus, alamandas, bromeliads.

    I also like oak trees. I like green, lush plantings. Many plants in Florida look fried and crispy, because of the heat and drought. (At least before Fay hit last week!) Anything tropical.

  12. in the uk we have the flowering cherries in the spring,everywhere, looking like pink candyfloss, also the darker red flowering currants and plumbs, apple blossoms, magnolias and beautiful lilacs with their heavenly scent,my favourite, though the blossoms on these don't last long enough.

  13. Here in Indiana we have Bradford pears that are snow white in the spring. I have dogwood, cherry, lilacs and magnolias in my yard. I used to live in the deep south, and the Spanish moss is breathtaking!

  14. We have a large oak tree that gives us a lot of shade. Another one in the back yard. I would say from the diameter they would be approximately 100 yrs old if not more. Around our neighborhood are Bradford pears, Magnolias, Japanese Maples, Weeping Cherry, Tulip trees, Mimosa, Sugar Maples, and Pines. Pines and oak trees are my favorite. We have tons of trees around our neighborhood block. The gray squirrels have a field day with the oak's acorns! :)

  15. I live in the foothills of the Cheyenne Mountains, Colorado Springs. Haven't noticed flowering trees, got all kinds of pine trees and maple trees I think they are.

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