
Hi seniors ! would you like to use your imagination and time travel ...?

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you are healthy , and wise and have one week to travel back or forward in time .

where would you go and what would you like to see ?

me , would be to go to ancient greece and see the scholars and talk to them , knowing what i know now of our world .

then , i would like a side trip to the deep south during the 1800's . just to see what that time was really like .

how about your adventures in travel ?

thanks all , and have a fun day . d.




  1. I would like to go back many, many years and spend a week with King Solomon.  I have read the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament of the Bible many times.  I wish I could have a conversation with King Solomon about it.  I admire his logic and am amazed that he accomplished so much during his lifetime, accumulated so much wealth and acquired so many wives.  I think I would have to go back in time as a male scholar.  Wouldn't want to get added to the harem.  Heee Heeee Heee

  2. One of the difficulties with time travel is the problem with dealing with the people of the period. Do we really know enough to truly fit in and not look odd? Are we at risk for being burned as witches? Will we do anything to change history?

    I might like to go to French Louisiana to see what some of my ancestors were like before Napoleon sold our country out from under us to the Americains. I might even like to see what Wales was like for my other ancestors before the English crushed that beautiful nation.

    On the other hand, if I were going to travel back in time and change history; I would go to either of the following:

    1. I would go back in time and shoot John Wilkes Booth before he had a chance to assassinate President Lincoln.  Because Lincoln died before Reconstruction of the South was complete, the South went essentially unreformed in its character and its culture because the southern sympathiser, Johnson, became President. Thus we had another century of Jim Crow segregation, lynchings, and the kind of backwards, defiant attitude that still characterizes the South to this day.

    2. Better idea: I would go further back and get rid of the parents of Jefferson Davis and several members of his treasonous CSA cabinet. Were these men not born, the South might have accepted limits on its attempt to expand slavery westward...and it might have even allowed that most horrible institution to die out in only a generation or two rather than take the rabid act of rebellion.

  3. I would go back to 1912 and find out who my father's birth parents were.  He was adopted and my grandmother claimed to know who his Irish parents were, last names included.  I was caring for her one night about six months after her stroke and she mentioned his brother.  It has remained a puzzle to me since then and I would like to know the true story.

    If I were projected into the future, I would like to see what it holds for my sons and grandchildren.  It would be wonderful if the devastating  turmoil of the world was eliminated and everyone lived in peace and harmony.

  4. Being Southern I would like to travel back to1800 and see the plantations during that time. I too would like to go to New Orleans and check out the French Quarter. I might be healthy but not wise, what if I got stuck in that period? In my senior years that could be awful! I would not know anyone there. Fun question though.   Poppy

  5. Really a nice question and thx.

    I am planning to visit Texas in USA in next week for a week and would like to see musium and other cultural events.

  6. I would love to go back and observe Rome at the time of Augustus.  I don't want to interact, just observe.  I don't want to eat or smell anything.  I don't want to contract any of the diseases.  I would love to see, hear and understand the language.  See how the common people actually lived.

  7. I wouldn't go fact, I'd stay right here and see Savannah in all her former glory. Before so many old buildings and homes were lost in the name of "progress".

  8. I would have loved to live in the 1800's.  The way the ladies dresses and simpler life.  Seems many of us had the same idea.  

  9. If I could travel back in time for one week, I would go back to the time my Mom was young (she never had the opportunity to get old) and healthy, and spend one more week with her.  My career allowed me to travel the world over, however, being able to spend another week with my young Mom before her demise would mean more to me than spending any time some place else in the world.

  10. When i pass parts of the Sandusky River,where the Wyandot Indians used to live,i always try to imagine what it was like. I could just see them in their canoes paddling down stream.

  11. I would like to travel back to the early 1600 to Kansas and that area to see all the buffalo and Indians living during that time  

  12. I'll take the way back machine to 1957, and step onto North Beach in San Francisco, sit down for an espresso, and check out the beat scene. A day or two later, I'll hop a plane for New York City, and step off on Broadway, and catch a new show that just opened, called West Side Story. After that, I'll use the rest of the remaining time to visit my parents and grandparents, who are living on the other side of the Bridge, in Brooklyn. And yeah, I'm packing a camera.

  13. If I won't get hurt and won't change history and can come back to NOW after the week is done.....  Oh - and if I wouldn't stand out or if I could even be invisible...

    I want to go back to watch a Shakespeare play in person and see how it was really acted out - and what it was like in London back in the day.  The next day I'd jump over to St Petersburg to see what really happened to Anastasia.  Day 3 would be spent seeing Mom's parents when they were first married and when Mom was little.  Day 4 would be with Dad's parents and seeing him when he was little.  Um... The next day I'd go watch the St Valentine's Day Massacre and how Chicago really was back then.  Day 6 I'd spend a fun day on the Titanic - waaaay before it sunk!!  The last day I'd see what ancient Egypt was like - when they were doing really well and not when they were at war or anything.

  14. I would like to go back to various times depicted in the bible to see just what the truth was behind the stories there.  I would be afraid to visit the future because I might not like what I found.  If I was certain that space travel would be a common feature of the future I would love to visit the planets or even some distant star.

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