
Hi someone told me if i learn italian very good i'll be able to travel to it and work is it true?

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hey iam from egypt and want to know is these true in fact i want to travel and work and study in any eurpian countries so i u know an easy way to travel by formal way so say it to me .




  1. You can go anywhere in the world, you don't HAVE to speak the language but it sure would help a lot especially with the studying..

  2. Italians in italy are having difficulty finding jobs.  one of the links above would have u selling illegal, fake brand name purses, jewelry, etc., etc.  the people who do that type of job are usually africans who work in hard conditions.  they sit on blankets and lay out their items/place it on a table that's portable in case i carabinieri (police) come and chase them away.  In the czech republic there are many asians selling those bootleg items and also close down shop and have to run away once police come.  it doesn't seem to be a stable type of job.

    Italy is NOT an easy place to find a job.  at one point I was a romance languages major (studied ital. and span.)  a bachelors degree in romance languages is practically useless unless one wants to teach or work for the government.  I wanted to do neither.  my friends in that field ended up w/ a lot of student loan debt and not many job offers...however, it all depends on how one markets oneself in the end!  but be practical.

    Using the arabic skills u do presumably have could be an asset if u have a legal work visa.  a civilian working for the govnt. country as a cultural sensity adviser, translator/interpreter is profitable at least in the usa.  Legal, native arabic speakers make a range of $90,000.00-$180,000.00/year.  the companies w/ the higher pay scale are defense companies which contract w/ the govn't.  i'm certain the same positions exist for european countries which are involved with the middle east.

    My friend worked w/ a legitimate au pair company and the pay was horrid, but she had everything she needed in terms of room and board.  She spent 1 year out of the usa in switzerland and italy.

    One way to do it that's educational and fun is being an exchange student through a university.  Some bulgarian classmates didn't have the money to pay for exchange year abroads, but the school (mount holyoke college--it's not a college in terms of egyptian standards.  it's a 4 yr. liberal arts school which gives bachelors degrees.  so it's smaller than a university in terms of size) had good financial aid for intl. students.  The ones i knew spent their years abroad in spain, london,  + all over instead of working maybe just study towards a degree and travel at the same time.  get good grades, get the school to sponsor u w/ grants to cover your year abroad if u need funding and enjoy life!

  3. it is not true at all

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