
Hi the snooker is something i keep up with but..?

by  |  earlier

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this year due to being busy haven't been able to...who won if the final is finished that is? thanks..




  1. Not over till tomorrow, let me know if you want to know who's winning!

  2. yeah finals finish 2moro night.

    its obn in the afternoon, like the 3rd session, but the deciding frames will be from about 8pm.

    its between selby and higgins.. higgins is leading like 11 frames to 4 i think it is, which is a shame cos im really rooting for selby to win it. higgins has already won. let the youngster win!!

    not to mention hes really cute, but thats beside the point.

    his nerves are getting to him a little bit, and i think higgins is takin slight advantage of that fact cos hes so confident and whatever..

    bt yeah.. try and catch 2moro night if you can!


  3. No idea but dont you love the way the guys bend over in their very tight black trousers?

  4. John Higgins leads Mark Selby 12-4. Play continues today at 2pm.

  5. still in play

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