
Hi there! How can i improve my speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed??

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wel im curntly ranked 9th in the under 12s in my county at tennis. i want to improve my speed and stamina..

has any1 got any tips to help me improve my stamina? thankkkks




  1. Ryan Atwood has the right answer. You want to combine endurance with sprinting. So, what you should do is sort of jog in the sand, and then burst out and run for a few minutes. Then slow down catch your breath, but keep walking, always pace... you never stop pacing around on court in tennis. Then jog again for about 5 minutes with Sprints in between.  You don't have to do this on sand, but if you can do it on sand, its way easier on hardcourts.

  2. skipping increases speed and stamina at the same time!

    it works your calf muscles hardcore.

  3. well if you are ranked 9th you must be fast, but i agree with the running in the sand, congrats and keep rising!

  4. Workout, workout and workout

  5. Run in the sand.  It helps your expolsiveness.

  6. For tennis it is important to have more small burst of speed then endurance. Endurance is important but in a different way. You should try doing wind sprints and agility workouts. See if your tennis center or school has an agility workout program.

  7. run in the sea

  8. There is no better exercise for improving your speed, power and agility than playing squash.

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