
Hi there how come sometimes when i dream there is no sound?

by  |  earlier

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Just images like i'm seeing through someone elses eyes

and yet the dreams are so vivid so real

you know theyr not real just kinda weird

sometimes nice sometimes not

Thank you in advance to all who answer :-)




  1. its normal.

    i have those sometimes.

    but trying watching tv before bed.

    or listening to music.

    than possibly you will have sound.

  2. This site is awesome, you should check it out. Its all about analyzing dreams, and free.

    I dont suppose I could get the best answer could I?

  3. There isn't really sound there, but Your mind "hears" them when You're dreaming it.

    In reality, Yeah there's no sound, You wont recall ever hearing anything.

  4. now that you mention mine are kinda like

    that too..

    its probably normal or somethingg..

    its how your brain workks when your sleeping..

    lol idkkk

  5. I had a dream where I heard a song by Dolly Parton, but didn't see anything.  So when it comes to dreams there are no absolutes.

    One time I wasn't seeing anything and some man screamed profanities in my ear and when I woke up my ear was ringing as if someone actually screamed into it.

    Then on the flip side I've had dreams where there were no sounds and just visuals.

    The mind is a very interesting thing that can't be figured out.  Most dreams are just symbols with positive or negative emotions attached to them.

  6. because your mind is dreaming and its trained to put sound w. thoughts when your awake.  Since theres no sound you wont here nothing but your mind is still running....

  7. Dreams do sometimes have sounds and sometimes don't. I think that those that have are for impact like enhancement. Those that doesn't are closely link to visual importance. It may indicate that you have to pay attention to visual details of the message it may have. Otherwise it may be just your preference..some people are more audio inclined while others are visual. Most guys are visual.

  8. When I dream of my relatives that have passed on, there is no sound. Even when they attempt to communicate with me, sound isn't an option. Emotion seems to be the language on the other side. Sorry - tangent there.

    Perhaps you are dreaming without sound because your dreams are hinting that you should listen?

    Perhaps you are dreaming without sound because your dreams are hinting that there is something unspoken that needs to be addressed.

    Perhaps you are dreaming without sound because you should be watching for actions (actions speak louder than words).

    These are just ideas to ponder on. Each dream could have been proposing something different.

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