
Hi there i have got a job in a day care centre but my employer has given me only 1 day to prove myself. HELP?

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She has given me only 1 day to prove that i will be the best nursery assistant. I havnt got any experience. Can any1 please give me some cool ideas about how to impress her , what should i do what kind of activities should i do with the day care children??

Please any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. What age group will you be working with?

    If these kids are 4 or 5, you can play a game where you clear a large spot on the floor and have them all pretend to be asleep. Then you say "Wake up little tigers" and they wake up and pretend to be tigers. "Go to sleep little tigers". Then..."Wake up little puppies"  and get creative. "Wake up little spiders" etc... but before you start...make sure to tell them that they have to be NICE tigers and bears and things like that, or some of them might 'pretend' to scratch their friends.

    Almost ALL day care aged kids like to dance, so you can play some music and let 'em go! (Besides being entertaining for's just BEYOND cute to watch).

  2. One big thing always be busy.. which with kids you will be. I suggest finger painting, noodle art, read a story, maybe a treat,(gramcrackers and milk) sing a song? Or learn a new one... just do some of the things you did when you were younger. GOOD LUCK

  3. good grief - one day?  we are not allowed to mix our ages of children in Ohio - will this group be all together?  Anyway -just be cheerful and pleasant with the children - don't let little things upset you -laugh them off and enjoy the little ones.  there is bound to be a spill or fight or accident in the pants. seeing how you handle the small things will really reflect on your personality and how you will handle the bigger things that will come your way  later.  Keep your sense of humor and just handle things as they come. And good luck!

  4. play pic a boo..push a .ball back and forth in a circle of kids...

    musical games. color with the kids, read stories and change your voice high and low, bring in stuffed animals and tell stories about them..when you tell stories include the names of the kids around makes it more interesting...

    have the kids lie down on large sheets of paper and make outlines of them for them to color, or outline their hands and have them color it, clapping hands and stopping feet to music and have them turn around and touch the sky and then the ground..make and bake cookies@

  5. Hmmm.

    These ideas are totally off the top of my head, so some will be silly, I'm sure. Maybe they'll spark an idea.

    Wear a feather boa. All kids like soft things. They'll be drawn to you. Wear a silly headband, like cat ears or springy bug antennae. Teach them a song from your childhood that involves changes in volume or physical acting. Hold the young ones A LOT. Play games with them... be hands on with a lot of eye contact and appropriate touching (like "gimmie 5!" or hand clapping). Buy some big boxes at a moving store that you can open up when you get there and let the kids draw inside them to make them their little forts. Bring big bed sheets and drape them over furniture to make forts and have the kids do little projects, read books in them, etc. Read them a fun kids book you bring, and while you read it, act it out with props. Make paper plate masks together. Have an Easter egg hunt with plastic Easter eggs. Put little stickers or something inside. Hope that helps! Above all, have fun!

  6. When a child speaks to you, always lower your body to sit at their level or kneel  down to speak to them and look at them in the face.Play with the kids and show an intrest in what they are doing. It is kind of hard to prove yourself in one day and you didn't indicate what age you would be dealing with.

  7. Try not to curse in front of the kids or slap them around. That wouldn't do good to impress the boss.  LOL

    However, you should show that you're caring, compassionate, and yet someone the kids like and respect.

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