
Hi this one is for my It peoples and p2p users.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i use utorrent alot and i think my isp might be throttling my bandwith. I got some questions for u. Does the isp see traffic that i send and recieve and is there a way i can hide the traffic for utorrent. Also what happens when i send data across the network and when i recieve data, how does it work.




  1. the odds of some one actually sitting there and looking at the data going back and forth is very small


    if they can tell that you are using a rediculous amount of bandwidth, it is probably that they will slow it down and put a cap on it

    either that, or its just primetime, and a lot of people in your neighborhood are download / uploading

  2. Yes your ISP can see all the traffic you send out over their network. I believe that Utorrent allows you to encrypt the traffic so that would stop them from seeing what it is you are downloading. (note: This will not save your from being investigated for copy right infringement.) If you ISP is throttling you connection they are probably using traffic shaping so by enabling the encryption it may speed up your connection if not the have your connection speed capped and there is nothing you can do.(note: you may also want to try other ports) The explanation of what happens when you send data over a network would be way to long to answer here so i will include a link that explains it.


    Traffic Shaping:

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