
Hi to all I am y.mohamed rizwan, i want some suggestion in Administration, What is the main thing in admin?

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How we want to handle the staff's , client's and our superior




  1. Admin: needs person law graduate or retired from armed forces with high designation also equiped with confidence, having well personality, having general knowldedge, fluent in english, well awareness of labour laws, high or good relationship with other Govt.dept. (Police, Wapda, Sui Gas, Telcom etc) as well as private sector.

    so person having these qualities can manage the system properly.

  2. First you must have qualification like Master in Public Administration or MBA in General Management from a university. If you have joined in Administration then you should have the folloiwing skills:

    1. Dealing with all governtment agencies li social security, employes old age benefits, electricity, telephone etc.

    2. Maitain leave record and attendance properly.

    3. Look after the house keeping

    3. Be good at correspondance

    4. Management of transport

    5. Purchasing of general items and stationery

    6. Contract management on behal of your firm

    7. Security arrangements

    8. Time office management

    9. Reporting to higher management

    10. Record keeping

  3. To answer this theoritically u need to be democratic, practically u must be a dictator... In the sense u must the decision maker,but can get suggestions, u must be a good servant for ur boss and to ur staff's(i.e., u must satisfy  need's of both of them)..

    Be a team member than a team leader, but be an example..

  4. There are two rules in handling the boss

    1.  The boss is the boss. The boss is always right.

    2. When the boss is wrong refer to rule #1.

    Other helpful hints:

    1. The easiest path is always mine.

    2. Things that must be used together (ie paper and pencils) cannot be shipped that way.

    3.  If the suggestion is stupid, but it works, it wasn't stupid.

    4.  Never make it too hard for co-workers to get to you, you may want to get out.

  5. Politeness and diplomacy. Nobody will help or cooperate, if you sound authoritative.

  6. ?

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