
Hi to everybody.... I'm Italian... What do you think about my country?

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What do you love and what do you hate?




  1. I've only been to Venezia and Firenze for brief visits, and I don't speak or understand Italian, so I can't say much because I wasn't able to talk with anyone or get a good impression of Italy- but I can tell you it was absolutely gorgeous, Firenze in particular! The most interesting thing that happened to me was being discriminated against by a pension owner in Firenze for being an American- he was irate when he saw my passport and told me to get out, and that he didn't rent rooms to Americans! I actually liked this experience quite a bit, because it drove home the point for me that Americans have extremely inflated egos and a very skewed self-image. While this was only one incident, I wish Americans in general could experience this sort of hate on a daily basis abroad, so that maybe then more people would begin to understand that we are not the chosen ones in this world we live in, as many of us seem to believe.    

  2. going to italy is would be my dream vacation. beautiful people and delicious food!  

  3. I have Italian blood in me, but I've never lived there, I'm from Frankfurt, Germany and I moved to the US with my mom when I was about...four I'd say.

    I really like the language, I don't know something about it sounds so s**y and nice. Believe me, I like my German language, but I don't know, something about the language is just so nice. I've even tried learning it, but sadly I've failed and have only learned two words. :(

    I guess I can say I also like the men. Lol. Hey I've seen some pretty good looking Italian guys, yummy.

    As for what I hate? Um...I guess I hate that I've never been there. Man, my family never goes anywhere really. Ugh, but I will someday travel around Europe and visit everywhere including Italy.

    Other than that, I don't really hate it. I have no reason to.  

  4. luv yur food...yur the best country food wise.

    yur not a very important country reli.

    n dont have any real political power.

    good culture thou. =D

  5. Hello! I am Italian too!

    I lived in Pavia, precisely Chignolo Po

    I LOVE the food, the cafes, the people who are very welcoming

    men are incredibly good-looking

    I hate that sometimes we are a little bit racists, just a little, but everything else is beautiful

  6. the history is amazing, and there are so many beautiful places to see.  the language is ok and i like the food for the most part.  the people also seem very nice.

  7. I love the way you switched sides in the last War.

    Also love the idea of decorating lamposts with ex- leaders.


    Also, your Mafiosi.

    Wadda Great buncha Guys.

    I esp like Tony Soprano.

    Hi, Big T.

  8. lol i agree wit ali

  9. I love your pizza

    and your pasta

    and your men :P

  10. I loved Rome, the food, the weather and much of the culture.  I didn't like your policemen, the gypsy pickpockets or the lack of safety in southern Italy or on the overnight trains.  And in general the men are a bit chauvinistic and primitive in their attitude to women.

  11. The food is awesome, there's no getting around that! The country is beautiful! I love that there seems to be this very specific mix of the old and the new. The language is so pretty to listen to. Your history is so interesting.

    What do I hate? Hmmmm....well....hmmm....yeah, there's nothing, lol.

  12. I love the culture

  13. Your country is beautiful! Once I'm of age I want to vacation there as much as I can! The food is amazing, the people are beautiful and the men are hot! lol. I love the Italian heritage!

  14. Good architecture.

    Good language.

    Good food.

    but I think you guys are corrupt in sports. I think you guys are racists and traitors for the WW2 thing. I also think Italians are arrogant and on moral high horses because they are so 'catholic' when alot of them are just a bunch of hypocrites. For the most part I try and stay away from Italians and stick with the British and French.

  15. the food?

  16. I love the food, historical sites, sceneries especially the Venice & the artworks of Michaelangelo & Leonardo da Vinci. Great place for romantic getaways & artistic people juz like me. :)

  17. i never think about it.

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