
Hi what is your idea about Iran?

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Hi what is your idea about Iran?




  1. It is a country in the middle East.The people are called iraki...

  2. They are really good at making Persian rugs and cooking lamb dishes.

  3. Government SUX

  4. A peaceful country,friendly people,but it is in grave danger from that Mass-murderer in the White-house,who wants more oil for his corrupt friends.Some-one has suggested turning into a car-park,but remember America is already paying dearly in lives & dollars for the illegal invasion of Iraq.Do you really want another unnecessarry war?

  5. Iran is a beautiful country.It is approximately the size of the UK, France and Germany combined. The climate ranges from dry and arid to lush and green. Remember it is an ancient civilisation. The people are very friendly, civilised, and welcoming.It has a bad press in the west because of a few  "mad mullahs". This is a shame.

  6. I don't have an idea about Iran. Am I supposed to?

  7. Its a great country it is the only power to say Hey! to america

  8. A country with some self respect and an ancient civilisation.

    If you mean in connection to the recent war mongering and threats from the US, Israel and UK, then a country that was the first one to have a sucessful coup organised by the CIA against its popular democratically elected government. After two decades of being a US colony, its people then sucessfully took back its government from the brutal dictator (Shah of Iran) sponsored by the US.

  9. IDEA ????, its a country, religion Muslim, what else else would you like to know

  10. Wasn't aware i had an idea about Iran, and I'm certainly not sharing it as you'll go and tell everyone

  11. Flatten it, and make a big car park.

    That will stop the hangings.

  12. A dignified nation. Standing tall to a bully (Dubya).

  13. I don't know - never been there - but I am sure that it is not the axis of evil which Bush suggests.

  14. bomb them, go get em john

  15. 'Hot as h**l' unjustly discriminated but in some respects primative, dangerous and draconian

  16. Would make a fine parking lot

  17. it is a very peaceful nation. untill less you interfair in their local issues. i'm not irani but i lived so cloasly to them and they are very good human beings.

    FYI: Irani girls are so beautiful.

  18. DO ANOTHER "MUSHROOM CLOUD"  Like truman did to the j**s at hiroshima---------------Go BUSH

  19. Its an important country. I think they are among top 5 Oil exporters. They are furthering there industry and miltary power too. They sit on Hermz which is practically the mouth of Gulf. If they say they can block it, it should be taken seriously  becasue I think they can. This means they can control more than 70 percent oil exports of the world. They have lot of influence in middle east, south and central Asia. Historically they are tough fighters. They fought mighty Sunni Empires for 1000 years, then Birtish. They showed same vigilance against Saddam, when whole world was supporting him. Their resilience without doubt is a fact. Theocracy has halted their progress as a very cultural and inovative society. Bottom line is that they have lot of influence and they are not Iraq. I do not think anyone except Saddam ( King of Craziness) would pick up a fight with them considering the problems they can cause. But hey, world history has seen many stupid things so who knows?


  20. land of simple as that

  21. its a country in the middle east- do i win £5??

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