
Hi what is your opinion on LIFE?

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whatever you may think i just wanna know different ideas on LIFE thats it




  1. You have pretty much won the lottery if you manage to get born, with all that sperm swimming around out there. Then  you have to figure out how to be happy. That is pretty much it friend.  

  2. Life is what you make  it.   The choices you make good or bad affect the quality of life you have.    Life is a process sometimes good sometimes bad.   It all ends the same way eventually.

  3. I find it "Lify"

  4. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." Shakespeare

    I think that just about sums it up for me.

  5. Hi.

    I think we have to make the absolute best of it by making our dreams come true and helping others along the path.

  6. Find ur purpose in life and use it to ur advantage

  7. Life is an inconvenience that we must face every day and make the best of. I live each day with a positive attitude no matter what curves are thrown at me, and I take only necessary things seriously.If I die tomorrow, I will know that I have gotten the best out of the adventure, and if I can bring something good into someone Else's day, then I am better for it.

  8. It's an ok game, I don't think I made the right choices though.

  9. its just one big test ... to see if you can see through the man made objects like money and material possessions,  see past all the religions and colors and cultures and differences, to see if you can realize that we are all 1  

  10. Life is what you make it if its happy its cause you worked hard to achieve it if you dont' care and then it does not matter you are on the wrong side of life. you need to wake up each morning and be happy you are live and move on. so much to life and you can do so much if you aim to

  11. Life is an asolute gift,let us live and pick p,those who lag behind

  12. The one we have chosen to pick to drive our mind and body (LIFEforce). Others choose the opposite (DEATHforce). They don't have peace of mind. Sick and diseased.

  13. If your talking about life that you live i hate it.I mean like having a spoiled girl in your class all the time you can't just take any more of it.Gets whatever she wants

    and she can't stop.Everyone just thinks about her and obeys her commands.

    If she is sad people will just crowd all over her.Yeah to me that's the life i have.

    If you mean life the board game then it's okay.I'm not really crazy about it.

    All you really do is go in a huge curved loop and collect money buy things and

    whoever reaches the end wins.The next time you play it will take forever to set it up

    again.I actually used to have the game life.

  14. realy i say thanks GOD 2give us agolden chance 2 c this wonder world.

  15. It beats the heck out of the alternative!

  16. Wow, hmm this is actually a really good question.

    I guess life is a great experience, but if you think about it, what are we all doing it for ? We get a career, so we can make money, and eventually, we all die. What is it for ? There must be something after... then again, there might not be.

    Now that i think about it, life is incredible. There are billions of people walking around all over the world and everyone, I mean EVERYONE, has to have a dream (or has had one at a certain point). Wether it be a small one, an unrealistic one, one that lasts five minutes (such as a child wishing they were a dinausor), an achievble one. What you decide to do with your dream, is up to you. I know i must sound really cheesy.

    But you've really got me thinking. It's like.. a big circle. Like, god was just bored so he decided to set up a bunch of mysteries for everyone to discover, games for us to play.. just so he could stay occupied by watching us be occupied.. but what is god for ?

    what if god dosnt even exist.. WHERE is this all coming from ? ahha ahh im over analyzing something that will never even be answered and dosnt really matter ! ahah

    Good question though :)

  17. the game? its pretty fun. i had a family of like 7 once. someone had to lay on the 6 others and my friends kept accidentally knocking them over, lots of car accidents =(

  18. Live everyday of it

  19. The profile pretty much says it all

  20. LIFE is a pretty good board game, and the cereal is alright too.

  21. life sux then u die...jk

  22. There's a book called " The purpose driven Life" It's the best. Good luck!!!!

  23. Would you like a glass of orange juice?

  24. Its a gift ( time ) given to us to be there whatever the situation.

    Guys its upto us how we take it


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