
Hi when teaching someone new to play which method do you prefer?

by  |  earlier

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Do you play them as if playing experienced person or do you go easy on them?




  1. start with the ethics of this great game then with the rules, then start teach them how to hold the cue and how to shoot the cue ball, and teach them the skils do not play with them till they get better

  2. I don't like going easy on anyone nor do I think anyone who wants to play me would appreciate it.  Play the game as it's meant to be played and let it serve as an example for them.

  3. I usually start out as more of a tutor, showing them tricks and techniques.  I'll make sure they know I'm letting them get off easy, but it's so they can learn some advanced play.

    Once they have firm grasp of the game, it's time to show them how it's done, and I bring on the pain.

    Being encouraging and helpful makes it nicer for them, because even if they still can't beat me, at least they're a leg up on the other noobs.

  4. if you have to pay for the game i will go easy on them so the game will last longer but i try to teach them along the way

  5. Neither I will show them Theory and Mechanics first work on their stroke ect...

    They need a few tools first then play i try to set them up with shots they have practiced  just playing with them banging balls around wont teach them anything

  6. Playing games might not be the best way to teach someone.  They might go in with the mindset that they can't beat you and that will just hamper their progress.  Granted, monotonous drills are just as bad.  But you really have to find out how much the student wants to learn, how fast they can learn, and how they learn the best (games or drills).

    I'd usually demonstrate one or two techniques or skills and then have them repeat it.  If they're into it, let them work on it for a bit.  If not, maybe break it up with a fun game in between.    When I'm doing an exhibition or challenge matches though, I'd miss on purpose and try to set the other person up for an easy shot if they're having a rough time of it.  It helps with cue ball control on my part.

  7. Well you are for sure not going to want to play your A game and hammer on them.  That isn't going to make them want to learn.  Your best bet if you are trying to teach someone is to keep your cue in the case for a while and let them shoot around for a while, and give them pointers.  Once they get the hang of it more then you can shoot with them, but I still wouldn't shoot your top game.  Maybe its a good time to work on your banks, and let them shoot.  Either way, if they aren't having fun they aren't going to want to start their pool journey being destroyed every game, its hard enough when first starting.  Good luck, and keep racken em up!

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