
Hi yahoo users I have a question about schoolorships.?

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I'm a eigth grader going to 9th grade and today in band we were talking about colledge and about how much it's going to cost. I was wondering about scholorships and how i could get get one and what kind they is out there




  1. There are many types of scholarships available.  Many competitive science fairs, music competitions, etc. award scholarships to the top (sometimes top 3) winner(s).  You can accumulate a number of these for when you go to college.

    A few companies award scholarships to their high school-age part-time employees -- MacDonald's is one, if I recall.  You must have worked at least 1000 hours to be eligible to apply.  Your parents' employers may also have college scholarships or grants for employees' children.

    Local service organizations often give an award to the outstanding hs grad in the community -- usually in the form of a scholarship or college grant (e.g. a "book award" may provide textbooks or money for them, or an actual reference book you would need for college, like a dictionary).

    You have to do a lot of research to find scholarships, read the eligibility requirements very, very carefully, and only apply for those you are really eligible for.  Remember, some of these scholarships get thousands of applications per scholarship, and the ones with the largest amounts attract the most competition.  Better to accumulate a half-dozen $1000 scholarships than to set your sights on a $5000 scholarship and not make the grade.

    Another thing: start saving money NOW.  Any cash birthday gifts, earnings, etc. put away for college.  Make sure your parents are putting away money, too.  You cannot pay your way solely on scholarships -- too many additional needs are not covered by scholarships.  You cannot work your way thru school -- wages are too low and costs too high to cover it all.  And unless your parents are making over $250,000/yr, they cannot pay it all out of current income.  They should have started a college savings plan when you were born as well as started a saving account for you with all the cash gifts you received when you were born.

  2. make sure your grades are tops!...there's plenty of literature out there on scholarships.check w/your school counselors....then research,research,research....believe me, theres TONS of money/help/scholarships out there thats hardly ever discovered...go for it! And dont wait til your sr. year! start looking now. Is it worth it? Well,our son is now working on his masters in linguistics and we haven't had to pay the first cent yet...he did it on scholarships and grades.  We were fortunate --his HS had an entire jr.yr.block on doing nothing but finding scholarship money...his school as a result ,has around a 85-90% rate of students who go on to college w/most of it paid for.   good luck to you. hang in there. it'll be worth it!

  3. I went to school on a Pell Grant.  It was just a few thousand dollars a semester and income-based.  It's good that you're thinking about college now.  Believe me it's not too early this is the best time to start preparing for college.

    So  the best thing for you to do is make good grades these next four years in high school.  The higher your GPA is, the better your chances are to get into a really good school.  And who knows,  you may even get a full scholarship.  

    Also if you are into sports, you could try getting an athletic scholarship.

    If all else fails, you could always apply for a loan. If you do this, get a deferred loan so you won't have to pay it back until 6 months after you graduate from college.

    One year before you start college, fill out a FAFSA to see what you qualify for.

  4. School or ships, I'd say that I recommend school, or better yet, homeschool.

    Just kidding.  Yes, college is expensive, if you want to qualify for scholarships, concentrate on your studies for now, study hard for your PSAT and your SAT or you ACT depending on where you live, and talk to your school counselor.

    Also, work on your spelling.

  5. There are many out there within your community, state, and our country. Check online for an array of possibilities. Also, once in high school, go see your guidance counselor.

  6. Schoolorships.  That's the best thing I've read all day long.  Thanks, man.

  7. yes..go to

    fill out all the info.

    n after that it will show you what you're qualified for.

  8. I assume you mean a scholarship, check with your school counselor.  There are many good website too.

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