
Hi!What do you think about italian people?And what do you think about Italy?

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Hi!What do you think about italian people?And what do you think about Italy?




  1. Well I've never been out of Australia. (I'm 14). When I think of Italians I think of a lot of/good food & loud, happy, crazy relatives gathered at an event of some sort.

    I had a teacher who was Italian. When I remember her I remember a moment of her using hand expressions, with a laughing smile, big eyes, engagingly describing something bizarre that happened (I cant remember what it was)

    so yeah


    bye brooo


  2. Fate sempre le stesse domande??...!! siamo i migliori e questo lo sanno tutti... tutti ci Amano e ci invidiano del fatto che siamo italiani..ciaoo e w l'Italia!

  3. Italy is Italy!!!!

    I'm Italian!

    It's very very very beautiful....

    Baci dall'ITALIA!!!!

    Ciao ciao!!!!

    Bye bye

  4. The main thing I noticed about Italians were there driving skills. I have never seen such crazy driving as I saw over in Italy. They scared me to death on their scooters cutting in and out of heavy traffic. They were fearless.

  5. italians are either really ugly, or really good looking people, no in between, theyre pretty nice i guess, ive been to italy many times, id recomend milan or venice, NOT ROME, i was in rome and it was so dirty, over run with homeless people, everyone smoked, there was nothing really there other than the ancient rome stuff. milan and venice is amazing.

  6. Well, I'm italian, and for me is the best country in Europe.... Italy is very famous for the food (pizza, lasagna, pasta...) and Italy has got beautiful city like Florence, Venice, Rome, Milan.... W ITALY!!

  7. i want ****,... dog in the ***!!!

  8. I'm pretty much in love with Italy and being from New Jersey, I love italians too.

  9. disorganized smart piece of **** funny people

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