
Hiccups for 5 months ?

by  |  earlier

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For 5 months now I have had these really strange hiccups, they are loud and can't be held in. I know people say I'm swallowing too much air but I only get them after eating and I don't believe I have been swallowing air for 5 months. Does anyone know what they are, or how to stop them?




  1. the best way to stop ur hicups problem is:

    take water at regular interval or contro ur breathe for 50 fast counts of ur's in your mind.automatically it will go if it is not a problamatic hicup but if it persists go for a doctor.

  2. I have found that when I begin hiccuping, its because I have entered into an anxious state of mind.  for me, the anxiety is all ways a result of being overwhelmed by the large number of high-priority tasks looming in the future.

    As an example, I'll be sitting at work and will stop and think about all the critical tasks I have to do immediately.  I will begin hiccuping.  When I shift my attention from the future back to the present, my hiccups go away.  

    Next time you start hiccuping, see if you are anticipating something overwhelming that lies in the future.  Try taking a deep breath, focus your eyes and attention on something

    in the room and try not to think about those future needs.  See if that causes your hiccups to go away.

  3. i would reccommend a doctor

  4. i always find i get hiccups if i eat without having a drink so try having a sip after every mouthful an see if that helps good luck
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