
Hidden Files in my iPod Shuffle?

by  |  earlier

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I suddenly saw that I have "other" files in my iPod. I checked it, but then all are hidden. How am I to check?

And sometimes, the icon for my iPod suddenly disappears, disabling from from opening it.

Our computer's Windows XP. Yes, we installed iTunes there. No, this is the first time it has happened.

Please help?




  1. If your looking for hidden files just got to the folder that has a hidden file

    click on tools

    then click on folder options

    next click on view

    after look down you should see a title called hidden files and folder

    click on show hidden files and folders this enables you to find all hidden files on your computer

    hope it helps

  2. the top tabs... Tools-folder options-view-show hidden files and folders.

    ... that will show you whats in your other ipod files.

    and about the icon. make sure your ipod control is not disabled.

    Start-run-type in msconfig-services-apple mobile device. Make sure the apple mobile device is checked.


  3. Delete those files. I think they are viruses but try not to delete the important files for the Ipod shuffle.

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