I've read about people in the same situations online, but no tanks are the same as mine so I want to make sure.
I have a fully cycled 29 gallon fish tank with its inhabitants being: a common pleco, 3 guppies (1m/2f), 6 zebra danios, a handful of giant columbian ramshorn snails (non-invasive), 2 golden mystery snails, and a ghost shrimp (there were more). About a week ago, the male guppy died of unknown causes and got sucked up into the filter (it was ugly so i didn't care) and I got a replacement, which has been interacting with the others and acting completely normal for a week.
I went away for 2 days and when I came back, the male guppy is missing. I did a thorough tank cleaning (filter, gravel, and decor) and didn't find anything as well as searching around the tank with no success. If the guppy were to die, would it be possible for the pleco, snails, and/or ghost shrimp to even eat the bones? Are there any creatures in my tank that are suspect to the killing?
PS: nothing like this has ever happened before.