
Hide inward sternum with chest muscles?

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I've been an athlete all my life, competing at a high level in cycling. I'm very fit, but have a weird question. I'm a tall guy, and assume it is because of how I grew. Typically, the sternum is usually prominent, flat across the pecs. That area grew inward slightly in my chest. I do know of a close friend of mine who had a severe case of it and had to get surgery. Mine is very mild, yet you still see it as a "dent" if you will.

Does anyone have any exercises or ideas to build muscle in that area, almost to hide the depression? Having been a cyclist, I did very little upper body lifting, and believe it is as pronounced as it is because I really don't have pec muscles. (we keep our upper body toned, not built).

When you build up your pec muscles, can it push that muscle toward the middle of the chest? Any advice helps. Again, it isn't a health matter. It's purely aesthetic.




  1. Well, I have the same thing, mine is slightly severe. If you were born with it, it is called a depressed chest cavity. You are mistaken in saying that your friend "had" to have sergury, it is not a health risk, it is merely cosmetic. Its how god made you, kinda like god shoved his thum into my chest :) anyway, if you are truly ncomfortable about it (i have been at times too) try to build up your pecs. I have tried this, and in my case it looks a little more drastic and weird, id advise just try being happy with who you are. Every diamond is unique.

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