
Hig oil prices, low stocks, to possible run on the banks...?

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High oil, stock market calaspe, run on banks?

Just heard on cnbc about if this oil gets worsed, in the end this could cause a run on the banks.

I agree that it's past the time for blaming someone, the truth of the matter is that what happened has happened, and now we have to figure out what we can do about this, so we can take care of our next generation.

Any suggestions?




  1. There are 2 answers both of which will be difficult to do

    1 Use less gas

    2 Try to restore the strength of the dollar

  2. There's not much ANY of Us can Do at this point- but "ride" this one Out. Forget about pulling your $$$ out of the Banks- cuz most of it's gone by now anyway! I'm HOPING the Results of the forthcoming Election will instill some hope & Confidence in the People AND the Economy. So that things will get better NEXT year... But til THEN, look for continued "rough sledding" ahead- as it's pretty obvious the Fed is "Re-Active", and the Bush Administration doesn't have a "Clue" what to Do -as usual.  :(

  3. AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH...why is this Bush's fault?????

    I am so tired of hearing this!  I think it was Clinton fault! The enviromental regulations of the 1990's made it d**n near impossible to drill or refine on American soil.  Like the poster said, its past blame time, get a solution, but the liberals just want to be able to fault Bush for everything!  

    The way to fix it it to immediately start drilling, I mean make it open season on any place that may even look remotely promising.  The second it to offer government price supports on coal to oil processing plants.  Coal to america it like oil to Saudi Arabia.  We need to find a clean way of burning it and extracting oil from it.  Fact is banks have been hesitant to back a 20 BIllion dollar refinery for fear that OPEC will crash price down to $40 a barrel.

    If we even start to show the cohones to produce our own pil, OPEC will make sure the price goes down.  Be wouldn't it be nice to have our own fuel and tell the whole lot of them to stuff their oil where the sun don't shine????  The whole middle east is nuts and the quicker we can get off the oil-t*t, the better it will be!

  4. the Bush cartel is cleaning up as we die!!!!

  5. The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

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