
High Blood Pressure At Young Age!?? Help Pelase!!?

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Hello im 16 and i have high blood pressure. Today it was like 150/85

and pulse was 120!!

3 months ago it was 130/6* something.

What could of caused it??

I work out every day( lift weights) , do cardio 3 times a week.

I try to avoid fat /salty foods.

I am not fat,and i do not smoke




  1. Even your typing looks stresses. !!!!????

    Stress is a big cause for high blood pressure

  2. Stress or anxiety can cause hypertension. Be sure to see your doctor for a checkup.  It can also be genetic and passed down from someone in your family.  Include some potassium foods in your diet because that really helps lower the blood pressure.

  3. It's probably because you're racist.  Leading cause of health problems.

  4. Wow u should definitely get that checked out with a doctor. It could be some kind of genetic disease or a problem with your heart. Yeah u should definitely see a doctor...SOON.

  5. First of all, you need salt.  To avoid it will cause you to have adrenal problems and digestive problems.  Salt is how your body gets the cl- ion to make stomach acid.  When you become deficient in stomach acid, you will not be digesting calcium, magnesium, zinc, for starters.  Anyone who recommends a low salt diet is ignorant.  There is not ONE scientific study showing that salt causes high blood pressure.  In fact, there are cultures where people have to travel 100's of miles to get salt and if they don't get it, they die.  

    Having said that, if you eat that junk salt sold in stores made by companies like Morton, it is not good for you.  It contains lots of chemicals and has no electrolytes that you need.  You need to get "Air Dried Sea Salt" because that contains lots of electrolytes and no chemicals.  To properly hydrate yourself, you should eat 1/4 tsp. of this type of salt for each quart of water you drink each day.

    Low fat diets are dangerous and also being promoted by the ignorant.  This type of diet is loved by the drug companies.  They are making billions on this myth.  In order to be healthy, you need fat.  In fact, if you are not getting enough fat each day, your fat tissues will be making lots of leptin hormone that will slow your metabolism down because it will tell your body that you are starving.  Avoid ALL SOY products (except fermented soy), ALL hydrogenated oils, ALL fried foods, ALL Vegetable Oils like soybean, canola, cottonseed, and corn oils.  These oils are very destructive to the body.

    Avoid all the sodas, energy drinks, and anything with fluoride in it, including tooth paste.  

    I would also strongly you go see a Certified Nutritional Therapist to test you and determine exactly what nutrients you are deficient in and they can recommend a good diet, as well as some supplements to help you get that blood pressure under control.

    A good book for you would be, "Life Without Bread" by Christian Allan, Ph.D.  

    good luck to you  

  6. My friend had really high blood pressure a few weeks ago, but she went back to the doctor like 7 days later and it was back to normal. High blood pressure can be caused by stuff like stress, you may have just been having a stressful day. If it stays high, see a doctor.

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