
High Degree People - sense of arrogance within themselves?

by  |  earlier

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do you feel people with high degrees such as doctors, lawyers, accountants architects etc.

have a sense of arroganse within thsemelves and think they are something because they have achieved a lot to get where they are at?




  1. I would say so.

    I think its just about how society treats them and how they have to behave to gain this pomp.

    I know lawyers, mostly dont even bother to listen to others, especially, during arguments, they always feel ,only their opinions matter and correct.

    Doctors feel they control our lives, without them, we can not be.

    Accountants, do believe they are the key holders to money and therefore swim in money.

    I have also learned that all the above professionals are money minded.I have not yet met on who is not.

    Thanks for asking

  2. I think they act as if they are entitled to more than others. spending tons of money and years on a degree tend to put you in that frame of mind.

  3. On the whole I think most people who have worked hard and achieved something many others couldn't feel proud of their achievement. Does that make them arrogant? I don't think so.

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