
High Gasoline Prices, what is your reason for it?

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The cost of gasoline in the USA has risen but people have blamed it on numerous reasons. One example is the oil company execs claim it has to do with supply and demand. Others claim it is not enough pumping of oil. Some have suggested that the government artificially inflate the price of oil to decrease the value of the dollar and bring the economy into a recession to bring about the Amero and North American Union.

The bottom line is numerous reasons have been proposed. From your perspective what is at fault and what do you feel should be done to bring about a more moderate price? Are Gasoline prices really higher than before? What's your view?

NOTE: Serious answers only. No trolling, no spamming, and no attacks. In every answer please give evidence to support your reasoning.




  1. Pres. Bush. he has oil companies. No one likes him anyways so he's just trying to milk out money before he gets resigned.

    Just watch the gas prices go down as soon as Obama goes pres.

  2. The demand from countries with rapidly growing economies such as India and China have a lot to do with it.  I don't drive much, so I'm not as worried about it as other people.

  3. don't get used to $4/gal, it's going to be $6/gal by the end of summer, hopefully it will keep going higher and higher.

  4. Too many people are greedy

  5. Up to 4 $ bucks

  6. oil prices going up

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