
High School Baseball Question?

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I've been out of baseball for 3-4 years now and I'm a sophmore in high school. I am considering playing baseball again and wish I never got out of it, but I am concerned that now that kids are bigger since I've been out, I will have trouble hitting there pitches since they have faster speeds and more accurate of breaking balls, etc. What can I do to help myself before high school baseball conditioning. Thanks!




  1. The other guys are not the only ones that are bigger and faster, you are to.  As long as you have quick wrists, good hip rotation and a sharp eye you will be just fine if not perfect.  Keep your eye on the ball and concentrate.  Practice your batting stance in a mirror and swing the bat several times a day to warm up.  Good luck to you.  

  2. Hit the batting cages.

  3. go to the battin cages, soft toss, and all that stuff

  4. Cages and lift weights

  5. sure

  6. yea, hit the cages. Jack the power all the way up, you'll be facing kids throwing high 70's to low 90's. (At least thats how it is in my league). Our team every pitcher throws at least 86, we have one guy that can hit 92. (Theres a reason we were ranked 1st in the nation by Baseball America in the begging of the year)

  7. Dude, trust me on this I have played baseball for 14 years and through out little league and highschool I noticed that the pitchers throw harder yeah but it is comming from 66 feet and not 45 which gives you more time to react the best thing you can do is just practice practice practice bunt a ton because that helps you keep your eye on the ball and hit it on the sweet spot more often which gives you harder and longer hits.... as far as fielding just catch some grounders that will come naturally for your arms I would go lift a lot that is a way to increase power and velocity.... which is what you need I hope you have a great season and good luck

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  8. get a pitcher on your team and have him pitch to you alot

  9. work out

  10. batting cages, and alot of running

  11. go to the batting cages alot

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