
High School Freshman Advice?

by Guest58283  |  earlier

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I need honest answers (preferably a list) of things to expect when first going to high school. I seriously have no idea what to expect AT ALL! because in 8th grade the schools completely bombed step-up day. I mean they put me in some 11th grader's class who wasn't even part of the step-up program, to see what it was like, but me, I'd like to know what my freshman year is going to be like. They also gave us a packet of things that explained a lot but most of it was schedules and useless stuff. I'm sort of scared. I need some advice as to what to expect in ninth grade so, anyone who just got out of ninth, that would be great, but anyone is fine. PLEASE PLEASE RESPOND!




  1. The first two weeks are the worst, and that is only because your new and lost. I can't personally talk about your school. I believe the school is different in each place. Some basic things are the same I think. Just be yourself, and look around and join in on what it is that holds your interest. ( A great way of making new friends) Yes, there is going to be some "mean" upper class men that now think they rule the world. Do your best to ignore them. Be friendly, and talk to people that look just as new and as lost as you. I met a lot of my high school friends by being lost together, and finding that next class. Realize that everyone was at one point that scared lost freshmen. One thing that helps to fight that off is if there is a map of your school. Look it over and find where things are. Knowing where you are going, and not being late to all of your classes the first day is a good way to get on the teachers good side. ( no.. not the class pet.. but I don't know about your school, but mine I know some of the teachers grades were almost solely if the teacher liked you or not)

    Most of all HAVE FUN! It all goes by faster then you will ever know.

    Best of Luck in this coming year.  

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