
High School Help????

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Ok, so i have been home schooled my whole life, and i'm going to go to high school, and i was just wondering, if there is anything i need to know, before the first day? thanks so much, :D




  1. stay away from all the drama cause that's where all the trouble begins. as for the rest it's not so bad i would say if you have friends already going to the same high school as you then you'll be fine but if you don't then i would suggest you go in the first day friendly. when you get your classes you'll be surrounded by other students who are new too so you can start by making friends there. so just have fun and do good.=]

  2. just be chill, let people talk to you. mark out idiots the first day, avoid them. be careful with the friends you choose.

  3. never try too hard that makes ppl not like you be yourself 100 percent

  4. Look happy and approachable and people will happily approach you.

    Also don't be afraid to ask for help, but make sure that you ask someone who looks nice or you'll get some weird fake answer and get laughed at as you walk away. I'd recommend asking teachers though.

    Join clubs, say hi to the person sitting next to you in a class. Don't assume everyone's staring at you, or thinking bad things about you because it's usually never the case. If you no friends at the school you're going to and you're afraid you might end up sitting by yourself at lunch bring  a book (or a magazine to look cooler, hahah) and read that, but don't look nervous or sad or insecure while you're reading it, you'll look independant. Also there are a lot of freshmen who will be equally confused or new to that so you won't be alone.

    And if you're school has more than one floor the way to tell where rooms are located is usually with the first number of the room, if it starts with a 1 it's on the first 2 second et cetera et cetera.

    I can't think of anything else, but good luck(:

  5. Just stay calm and be your self;D You'll make lots of friends. Good luck

  6. HAVE FUN :D


  7. find friends fast, or they will think your just weird

  8. Don't let other kids pick on you. If they're mean to you, then don't mind them. If they get personal, fight back. VERBALLY. Don't use profanity though, and DO NOT start a fight. Try not to get lost, and just socialize. The teacher's are going to need you to pass/do things on time and more importantly listen during class. I'm going to go to H.S. too (first time in US). So, good luck!

  9. Realize that it's going to be a big change of pace compared to home schooling. What i've seen before in people that have been home schooled their entire life is their social instincts aren't as sharp as people who have been out in the world their whole life. I just to give a simple warning. There's going to be a lot of drama your first years of high school, but it will settle down as you make your place in the school and find more friends.

    Good luck, don't get too stressed out.
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