
High School Physical Exam question!!?

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I'm going to be going to High school next year and all the girls and boys need to get a physical exam...i was wondering.. do the nurses or doctors check your private areas? I'm really nervous.. how many shots do they give.. what exactly do they do?




  1. For girls, they do not do a "pelvic" (exam of the privates)--for boys they may do a hernia check --which means they have to drop their pants, but not their undies). You may need some shots (usually boosters of MMR, tetanus,)--you may also need a varicella shot. You can refuse the HPV vaccine. Do not be fooled by this one--it is supposed to prevent HPV and cervical cancer--but what they don't realy tell you is --it is only effective against the 4 strains of HPV that MOST commonly cause cervical cancer --there are actually 30 strains that are linked to cervical cancer and over 100 strains of HPV all together--and they all cause genital warts and can lead to PID and infertility. if you don't want to get HPV--don't have s*x until you are married--and then marry a virgin--and both of you stay faithful.

    other than that, they check your breathing, listen to your heart, have you walk and check your spine, eyes, ears, throat. they may do a breast exam. Very basic.

  2. It is normal for a doctor or nurse-practitioner performing a full physical exam to examine the "private areas," as you put it--they are responsible for all of your health, after all, and your development is part of the physical exam as well.

    You don't say if you are male or female, but if you are uncomfortable with the idea of an opposite-s*x examiner, you should be able to ask to have one who is the same gender as you.  If you are female and have never had a pelvic exam, they will probably not need one unless you are sexually active.  If you are, you should probably have one anyway--if not at the physical, then with a gynecologist.

    There will probably be nothing other than the personal exams that is noticeably different from any exam you've ever had at a pediatrician's office--they will check your eyes, ears, throat, heart, lungs, belly, the alignment of your bones, ask about any health problems you may have had, all that sort of thing.  They may ask you more questions as opposed to asking your parents, as you are moving closer to being an adult.

    You should know that anything that you want to discuss with the doctor can remain private.  If you want to ask questions or discuss personal issues, the doctor not only should not but CANNOT discuss them with anyone else, including your parents, unless they believe you are going to harm yourself or someone else.  

    How many shots they give will depend on what, if anything, you are due for.  You may not need anything, you may need a booster shot, if you are a girl and haven't had it they may offer Gardisil (the HPV vaccine).  

    Don't be afraid to ask the doctor questions.  That's what we're there for.

    Good luck in high school!  Everything will be fine, you'll see.

  3. in my school we are sent to the nurses office 6 at a time where we have to undress to underwear the doctor checks bp breathing eyes ears then makes u drop ur boxers for a hernia exam, it sucks cause where all in the same room so when u have to drop them everyone can see ur privates.but its quick.

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