
High School... Poplular??????????????

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Ok so is it like this where you are?

Well we started high school this year and popular people aren't all popular anymore. We all have small groups of friends. Instead of the big groups. And everyone talks to everyone and no all the popular people are rich or pretty. Is it like that where you are? Also some got fat.




  1. no there isnt popular people

    just people who knows alot of pople or are well liked

    popular isnt really seen around the school i go to unless the girls a w***e or the guys is a man w***e but besidea that no one is popular rich or all that.

    and if you are no one would care.

    so yeah..

  2. i hate school.

  3. Not at all I started high school this year to. But we freshman are still popular among crowds.It's been great actually the only bad thing is our upper class men will talk and more than likely become friends.But they don't give a c**p about us in some ways.

    Stinks to be you where I go to school most of the kids there move a lot so making friends isn't that hard.  

  4. No we don't have popular people in my school.. I'm going into my final year this year and i've only had some close friends.. the only girls who seem to be liked more by the guys aren't actually "popular" they are just s****s that give out and go partying with them. They are easy so guys like them..  

  5. high school is so lame.  u know why cuz once ur out of high school things dont even work like that in the real world.  what i did in hs was be myself.  i use to try and fit in.  all the way up into 12th grade n i said f it. i gonna do me.  i kicked it with only people who were my real friends. and i put this wall up and made sure nobody was gonna f with me and they didnt.  so who cares about the clicks.  and whos cool with who.  its so stupid now that i look back. im 24 now. and if i was to do it over again i do it the same.  s***w all the haterz they can suck a big one. lmao

  6. wow sounds a lot better than when i was at school.

    All the popular people were loud, pretty and rich. And i hated them.

  7. at the beginning of high school its like that, find pretty girls and make friends cause in time people will become popular.

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