
High School Problems. -Sigh-?

by Guest34401  |  earlier

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I just started high school, and I just moved. The few people I have met can't relate to me, or, just don't care to, and my mom doesn't understand. It's only been two days, but I feel like I'm in a prison. I've explored all my options of schooling, but my family is too old fashioned to understand the corporation that schools have become. Ugh, oh yeah, I also have to take classes with sophomores cause I'm a nerd, and school uniform colors are those of the principal's favorite football team. crushed.. Bleah




  1. Take up rowing (I think American's call it Crew). It is good for your body, so you feel better about yourself, good excersise so you have things to do and become more attentive and friendly, and you build A LOT of relationships on the water. Try it.

  2. This is how I used to feel since I only have a few days but I decided I had enough  

  3. to quote you "The few people I have met can't relate to me, or, just don't care to, and my mom doesn't understand. It's only been two days, but I feel like I'm in a prison."

    welcome to being a teenager

  4. Be outgoing. Take chances, make friends. You sound like your really down on yourself. Don't be, that will drive people away from being interested in getting to know you.

  5. It's only been two days! I felt just like you when I moved during my second semester of 9th grade to the other side of Florida! It was my first time attending a regular (large) high school and felt like I was also in prison. After a week of making not such great friends I got over the whole "being a loner" feeling and just did my work and talked to people who were also doing their work. So just for now focus on what's important -- the "nerdy classes" =) -- and you'll see how people that really do want to be your friend will come along. You bound to meet nice people since you're in harder classes and smart kids are nice, LOL.

    An easy way to make friends with people you feel you will relate to more is to of course join a club or sports team. You will all be there for the same reason! =)

  6. Just give it some time. You'll find someone to be friends with. Promise.  

  7. be nice and out going.

    STOP FEELING BAD FOR YOUR SELF that never got any one out of any problem  

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