
High School Riding Teams?

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Does anyone have any experience with these teams? I am thinking about joining to get my name out to colleges but am not sure if its worth the money. Opinions?





  1. i bet once u pick a place to go to and try hard, it'll be worth the money. why don't you go to the different places and talk to the trainers and see who you would most likely learn something from?

  2. Just make sure you have a couple of fast horses and you will have a blast . Nothing like the college years and a good rodeo...( HAVE FUN ). The money is well worth it even if it cost a arm and a leg. And if you ride English not sure how that works we didn't have that in are college but I 'am sure it would be worth the money

  3. well, i dont know how much money it is, never tried it for myself.  but it would be one thing that if i could do over again, i'd try it.

    anyway, i think it wouldnt be a bad idea if you had the money and wanted to get your name out there. but my idea, from the colleges i have seen and visited, they're not hard to get into for their equine programs.  i know of a few good colleges that i seen and wouldve went to, hehe my problem was i didnt think was good nuff to go to a school that good. but that was just me/my choice.

    if i sat and thought i could figure out tips on ways to get your name out there besides just this program, but it does look like a good program.

    i've worked with vets, and a friend of mine started out grooming/working out race horses in our area.  i know some who groom arabs at a huge breeding farm, as well as now show their horses.  yeah, i did a few different things when i wanted to be a vet/go to an equine school.

    good luck.

    well, my edit cause my mouse isnt working, urgh, is that if your not thrilled with the one in your area and it's on the high end/not in budget, there is bound to be something else in your area that will get your name out there.

    if you want a good college that does have a riding team, great programs and is the top choice of my state's vet school(and top school in our state in general) is del val, it's top of it's grouping and i do believe that school is one option. again good luck.

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