
High School Senior Project Essential Question?

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What is the emotional standpoint of forensic anthropologists whan handling a human skull (OR human remains)?


How does a forensic anthropologist deal with their emotions when handling a human skull (OR human remains)?




  1. They are good, but you might want to go more into the psychology of it.  They have to distance themselves from certain aspects, and some of those are harder then others.  Maybe how and why they can do it, and its side effects.  I hope this gives you ideas on how you can further develop these.

  2. I like this one the best but the premise is lacking information. Some individuals will have little reaction after a couple of experiences. Maybe limit the question to the first such experience, in a dark place, alone with limited light including a fairly well preserved remains such as that of Kennewick Man.

    "How does a forensic anthropologist deal with their emotions when handling a human skull (OR human remains)?"

    Create some drama since people will react in many different ways!

  3. good grief pal, they dont want to know OUR feelings...they want to know YOURS.  Got any?  handled any good skulls lately

  4. The subject you mention is how do we adapt. We have an innate response to feel repulse at human remains because nature wants us to stay away from things that may hurt us such as disease. Yet, we have to handle human remains to dispose of them and to study them. Also, we have an innate response to feel sad at this situation for we must prize survival in order to survive.  

    This is a good topic for high school because as adults, a person will have handle many things that they may not want to handle. Changing diapers, killing in defense, seeing relatives die, and many other situations.

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