
High School Style Question !?

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Everyone in my school has always had an LL Bean backpack.. I want one this year for high school. DO you think they're 'in' for high school, or should I get something else ??




  1. dont. remember its high school, not grade school, where evry1 is friends and when you fight it doesnt nessecar   get all over the school. hs is BIG! and I mean BIG! i went 2 go tour mine and i got chills just walking thru the empty halls. those backpacks r good 4 8th grade and down not 9th and up. Try Tillys and even hottopic had some cute bags! I'm thinking of getting a tote though. but idkk. just dnt get the LL bean backpack. :]

  2. something else

  3. I'm not sure if they are "in" but let me give you some advice.

    1.  You can get the LL Bean backpack, regardless of if it is "in" or not.  This makes you unique and an individual.

    2.  You can start school without a bag, see what everyone else has, and follow the crowd.

    The others are right.  High school is different, and who's to say if they will be "in" in the high school. But if everyone is busy worrying about who is doing what, you will never have time to be true to yourself.  Let me say this final thing.  Make sure it is a good bag that will last you the whole year.  You can end up toting around a lot in high school.  

    Good luck with your decision and school!

  4. Seriously it shouldn't matter what backpack you get. As long as it can carry everything without giving you scholiosis.

    LL Bean is a great brand, sturdy and functionable. There really isn't anything wrong with it. If you are worried about it not fitting in, get a neutral color, like green or red, and don't get something with patterns so it won't stick out too much.

    Totes are nice too, but if you have a lot to carry, they can be a pain. They are smaller and not as functionable. I know my school is into either the classic canvas bag type tote, or vera bradley.

    At my school, everyone is extremely apathetic to one another, no one would even glance a look at your backpack unless it was extremely flashy or out of the blue. That's probably why I think they aren't a big deal.

    But if you really want to feel "in" this is my idea:

    Totes are usually the best bet. They are cute, and they look like you are carrying a handbag so even if it isn't the trend, it will definitely start one.

    Totes of a more stylish size will definitely not carry all of your books. So I would say, get a tote that could fit quite a few binders. And keep your old middle school backpack. Bring your backpack to carry all of your books from school and to school. Then, upon arrival, have your tote in your locker and only bring the books you need in your tote around to classes until you go to your locker again and switch off. A lot of the girls at my school do this. It's stylish and puts a lighter load on your back.

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