
High School!!! What should I do?!

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Well, I'm going to high school in, like, a month. I've heard so many things about it, but I was just wondering, what should I expect or do on the first day or week of school? I'm kinda nervous. Is there any advice you could give me to make my high school experience better? Any advice would be great!




  1. Okay i go to a jr./sr. High school. so ill tell you something about high school. Everyone is nervous on there first day. Even i was..

    So ask your mom to call the school to get into an orientation program.

    It will show you around the school and give you tips. In my school i don't have lunch till 5th period which is a Little to late so i always have snacks in my bag. Make sure you do extra STUDYING! Always have a mirror on hand and Hand sanitizer make sure you carry at least 2 #2 pencils in your bags for tests, And extra pens. Bring lunch on the first day because if its something you dont like you'll end up having a bagel like i do. It is like a repeat breakfeast.

    Hope i helpled

  2. all the rumors you hear are mostly wrong... trust me i know! just go with the flow and have fun! good luck!

  3. Being nervous is TOTALLY understandable!!! I always have butterflies on the first day of school, I'm pretty sure everyone does!!! :)

    Depending on the size of your school building, it can get confusing. However, after the first few days, you can usually remember where to go. If there is a freshmen orientation a few days before school starts, GO. And if not, just head up to the school a few days before you start, and find all your classes. That way you will have a general idea of where to go, and you won't have to deal with all the people. Also, don't be afraid to ask someone that looks older and nice. It really is flattering, and they would be more than happy to help.

    For the first day, make a plan with your friends. Decide on a place to meet in the morning and at lunch. That way, you will have people you know to go in with, and you won't feel so alone!

    Also, make sure what you wear the first day is, first and foremost, comfortable. Don't be afraid to look cute, but don't go overboard. It doesn't help your nerves to be in a totally new school and also be uncomfortable!! That means no heels!!! Trust me!!

    If you feel like you're getting overwhelmed, just stop for a second and slow down. The first day is crazy. Schedules are usually wrong, and people are just trying to get settled. After the first week, things will start to run smoothly, and you'll feel like you've been there for years!!!! Good luck!!!!

  4. hey =]

    dont worry about it is my sdvice. im a juinor this year.

    on the first day... memorize your scedual. its will make thing easier. bring an assinment book to write and assinments or to write things that you will need for that class. and if you need help finding a class... don't hesatate to ask for help. we've all been there before and no what its like.

    need anything else? have any more questions? email me at

    ill be happy to answer any questions =]

  5. its easy. kind of weird your first day but really easy and really fun. just find your friends at lunch and be open minded and meet new people. high schools fun

  6. my sister just went to highschool last year, and she was nervous too. but dont worry, she says it's ALOT better than middle school. You may be surprised with the workload at first. Teachers give out alot more homework then they do in middle school. you might find yourself slipping in the begining, with all the work. apparently it happens to everyone. but you'll get through. and there's really no bullies at all. and there's not that much stupid drama going on. But highschool has many good benefits also. it only gets better. I'm not an expert on this though... I got this all from my sister!  

  7. Hi!

    I'm Andrea, a senior in High School! :)

    Well you can start by going to the school site, most high schools have a virtual map so you familiarize yourself with the school and its guidelines!

    About getting lost:

    You will, the 2-3 days.. Just request a map the 1st day of school, or visit the campus a couple days before!

    On the brightside, most teachers are in front of their door the first couple days of schools, so you can just ask the teachers, even the students.

    Academic Advice:


    Always do you homework!!

    Keep up your GPA, as it will be your base your freshmen year..

    Be organized and manage your time wisely..

    Social Skills= Avoid eating in the cafeteria, unless for some reason it's cool at your school.

    MAKE FRIENDS. Be friendly and smile often! :)

    Don't be rude, or disrespectful.

    Get in good with the teachers, they will grade you easily and you can be the teacher's pet!

    Avoid shady scenes [parties].

    Don't wear a rolly bookbag..

    A simple jansport bookbag, or a tote bag for girls is fine!

    Take lunch the 1st couple of days as it will help you get the feel of things since the lines will be long and you won't know the prices and procedures..

    NOT IN A LUNCHBOX THOUGH, in a simple bag inside your book bag :)

    Make friends early on, as they will give you moral support!!

    Join clubs to meet people and sports.

    This looks extremely well in college applications :)

    Most of all, HAVE FUN...

    Time will go by faster than you think..

    Be Well! :)

    You can email me later on for homework help or for advise or tips in high school.

    My email is on my page

    Get in good with the teachers the first days, that way the get a great 1st impression!

    Need further help? HW?

    You can just email me, my email is on the profile page :)

    Be Well & Good Luck!

  8. Don't worry you'll be fine. Just relax. I was nervous when i started high school too.  All my brothers friends said that high school was the best years of there life and it went by too fast. This is the years that grades start to really matter so focus on your grades and stay organized. Don't be shy and try and be outgoing and say hey to new people in your classes. I wish I would have done that my freshman year.  

  9. High school isn't that bad.  It depends on the school.  Just be yourself, and try not to care what people think of you.  

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