
High School advice for an 11th grader?

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so technically this year will be my first year at an actual high school. my middle school went up to then 10th grade and there were only about 40-odd students in the 9th and 10th grade class. the school that im going to has about 2000 students and it's pretty big compared to my old school. although i know a few people there i doubt i'll be seeing them much. im really nervous about making friends, getting lost, and (this may seem kinda dumb) eating lunch alone. any advice? what should i expect high school to be like?




  1. You will probably get lost the first week of school, but they should cut you some slack because you're new.  

  2. why don't you get of hold of the friends you know that go there and ask them if they can meet you some where in school so they can show you around. then eat lunch with them till you find your comfort zone and way around. you will meet people in your classes or people who are also new. I was a new kid at my high school, transfer from one school to a new one in my Senior yr. I only knew one person and that's what i did. my friend met me in the morning b4 school started and showed me around and pointed where the cool spots were at and I hung out with his friends till I got comfortable. I was friendly and open to new friends, I had a good attitude. not conceited or too cool for people. dont be a snot!! at the end of the school year, I came in 3rd place in prom king voting. not bad for being there only a year!

  3. Hey!

    High school may sound scary, but it is so much fun. My theory is that if you can survive middle school, you can survive high school with no problem. The work isn't necesarilly harder- it's just that there is either more of it or the teacher really doesn't care if you don't do it (good news: no more 'please get this signed' tests when you get a bad grade. It's all up to you). It seems, however, that social life is your worry. However, HS has a better social life than middle school. In MS, you get all those groups and cliches that you don't get in HS. As you start to develop your interests, you will meet people like you and develop friendships in no time. Here are some tips:

    1. Join a sport and/or a club. Even if it's "Celebrating geeky filmakers club", you join because you like it and the people with you will also like it and, hence, you will make friends.

    2. When in class, speak up. If two people are talking about a movie you know a lot about, talk to them. There are 2 reasons for this. First, it is good practice. But most importantly, it gives you a good feel for the person. If the person is s****., you know not to be friends (or try to be) with that person. If they start talking and are engaging, you might have just made a good classroom aquantance (helpful when you need to do group work).

    3. Most importantly, be yourself. If you act fake, you will be percieved as fake. If you love science, for example, don't be afraid to show it.

    4. Also, some basic advice: make sure you are nice, and most importantly, NOT arrogant. Be confident, but once you are arrogant, you are doomed. I have seen people fall out of the social ladder due to arrogance. I'm not saying your arrogant, but just a warning.

    As far as lunch, that is kind of nerve racking. However, in my HS, you can eat lunch in a lot of places. I generally eat lunch in the library at the computer or outside in the courtyard. I don't know your school, but in my school the courtyard is great because it's nice and, if feeling lonely, you can always call someone on the cell phone just to talk.

    The most important thing is to RELAX. With 2000 kids, there are about 500-600 per grade, so you are DEFINATELY not alone. Be confident and know that you won't s***w up. And let's say, hypothetically, you get lost or something, just laugh it off and go on. Teachers are understanding and, with a good spirit, good friends will come your way! Good luck!

  4. try to socialize & be a little more outgoing.  I know if may be hard, but when you go to college, you may not know anybody.  You could always join a club or some sort of activity.  That is always a good way to meet new people.  I'm sure you're not the only person that feels this way.....

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