
High School and College Golf?

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I am wondering what my chances are of playing golf in college (at least in terms of scoring). My GPA is great, 4.2, and I am averaging a 39 for my junior year in high school. I have played in some regional tournaments and won 1 and placed in the top 5 a dozen times. So my question is, are my scores good enough for a DI or DII school? Please leave your personal experiences with your response as well.




  1. Your best chance is to play at a DII or DIII school. Unless your scores drop a lot in the next year. I was barely under a 5 my senior year and I really didn't have any options. You will definitely want to be around par most of your rounds to consider college golf. It's a tougher game because everyone is better and often you play 36 holes a day. To play DI, you'll need to be scratch, playing some of your rounds under par. An average DI program wants a scoring average below 75. Nothing a little practice can't accomplish though.

  2. I go to a fairly small school that plays D2 sports. I tried out for the golf team with a 2 handicap and shot 76-74 on the two days of try outs and did not make the team.  The main problem was that there was only one spot on the team to be filled and the kid who got it shot 70-71 on those two days (par 72). GPA really only applies to admissions, but if you are really interested make sure you contact the coach prior to committing to a school to make sure that you are not only talented enough, but there are spots available on the team.  I did not contact him until the summer when i was informed of the small opening after i committed to going to school at that school.  So remember the earlier you talk to the coach the better.  Sorry for this long answer but also make sure that you keep playing the regional junior events and even some national ones if you can get in, for instance i live in the southeast and there is the southeastern junior tour and the American Junior tour along with state and local tournaments.  The outside events help your name get out to colleges so that they know who you are and you have recorded scores on all different courses and situations.

  3. Pretty good, but apply to a smaller school. Less pressure.  When you go to school as an athelete your job is to win games, fill the stands so the alum send money.  Now who would line the golf course to see a bunch of small college guys play.  No pressure...good education.

    My teacher is the swing coach for the ODU team that did really well last year.  But they didn't do so well this year.  At that level...and ODU isn't that big a school, their top player are about scratch.  Hard core cocky guys.  And they don't melt under pressure.  Short game is where it is for them.  Easy to hit a drive under pressure, but a chip or put for the team to win....small school.

  4. well  to me that score is great and im in high school and im on the golf team and our #1 guy is goin to a d2 school and playing and he shoots the same as u but his gpa is higher but ur chances are good plus u have 1 more year

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