
High School freshman??What's it like-Any tips??

by Guest59193  |  earlier

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School is getting closer and closer;;whats high school like??

I'm kinda nervous,but excited at the same time.So tell me??

Any tips??




  1. It's boring. Pretty much middle school but everyone is four years older. Don't worry about being picked on, that rarely ever happens.

  2. im a freshmen too

  3. High school is a place to make friends, learn, join clubs & sports.  You will really like this. The best of luck to you.

  4. Don't worry that much. I was in your shoes two years ago and I'm now a junior. When I first starting going to River Valley High School as a freshman, everyone hates us. The freshman students, that is. For some reason, we're just highly disliked because we supposedly act childish and immature. Some tips would be to pick the more difficult classes because you need to start thinking about college now to get recognized by universities. For me, I chose Honors Chemistry and Honors Algebra 2. You need to study all the time to get straight A's and you must pay attention in class in order to understand the material. I can't stress this enough. Don't get distracted and think that you will never use what the teacher is trying to get you to learn because you will, trust me. You will discover that high school is a lot harder than the 8th grade, and you will be expected to act  like an adult. Remember, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression, so make it a good one. Get to know your teachers and classmates, make some friends, and familiarize yourself with your new surroundings. Also, things will often feel overwhelming, but just try to get through the day and you will see that it wasn't as bad as you originally thought it would be. I hope this helps. Good luck.

    P.S. Don't get into fights with the upperclassmen, they will hurt you and think nothing of it. And I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you will be made fun of regardless of how nice you are, so its best to just ignore it when it happens.

  5. I'm a sophomore. High school isn't scary at all really. Yes you are gonna be dissed by juniors and seniors but who cares? just ignore them! At my school, i know 4 freshman who dated seniors. So who knows. Have fun!

  6. omg lol im going to the freshman to ahh im nervous alittle but i kno there will be a bigger verity of freinds and might frind a friend you can actualy trust heh,,, anyways good luck

  7. Dont act immature...well I mean most of the time the upperclassman can pick a freshman out of the crowd, but its not a bad thing to be a freshman, its a bad thing to be an abnoxious freshman ;-)  But the upperclassman wont be mean or anything cuz we have all been freshman at one point and I know its scary

    Find all your rooms and look at a map of your school...know your route so on the first day you arent lost

    Dont be scared its gonna be a crazy experience but theres a lot of good tha comes out of it :)

    Join a club or something b/c Im a Jr this year and I keep telling myself I will, but if I had just joined freshman year it would have been better

    Go to football games...theyre so fun!  haha

    Concentrate on your after HS goal to keep your self on track

  8. Well just be on top of things

    Make sure you visit with your couselors about your classes and that you are taking the classes that you need.

    About the people there and school have fun, and meet new people. Get involved in any clubs.

    Most of all though do all your work becus the more classes you fail in high school the longer you will have to be in college and the harder it will be;-)

    Goodluck though hope you highschools years are good.

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