
High School in 4 days!

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I am really nervous about high school which is in 4 days. I am going to be a freshman girl any tips??? thanks!!!!




  1. To be honest its no different to primary school :) im in yr 9 and it doesn't seem to be anymore stressful or hard

  2. try to get a map before the first day of school. know where the wings are [english wing, math hallway...ect.]

    if you get the list of class rooms then map out where you are going :) so you'll know the best routes to take.

    buy your basic school supplies beforehand [a binder, folder, notebook/paper,pens,pencils,backpack] before hand that way all you'll have to buy after the first day is the necessities for each class.

    don't worry about being harassed by upperclassman on the first day. i was a freshman last year and nothing happened to me OR anyone i knew.

    just remember: you were in middle school at one time with the juniors and sophmores (when you were in 6th grade!) and the seniors really keep to themselves. dont be nervous-highschool is a time to have fun and be with your friends!

  3. first of all, relax.  it's not so dramatized as it is on tv

    if you can't find a class, just ask an older kid or a teacher.  the teachers will be standing in their doorways waiting for kids who need help finding their classes.  

    seniors are not evil or mean, contrary to what people try to tell you.

    the hallways will be very crowded.  just try to find empty spots and go for them to get through faster.

    when you first get there, try to locate your friends from junior high.  same at lunch.  

  4. __Start and finish every assignment given.

    __Take a TON of notes in class-the teachers tell you a lot of things you should know

    __Schedule a lot of time to study before a test.

    __Try 8 hours sleep every night.

    __Don't take anything anyone does personally.. I know it's hard sometimes but don't.

  5. im going in as a freshmen too, why are u starting so early? anyway, get into sports and raise ur hand in class... get to know people and spread ur name around, you'll have a good HS experience!

  6. Find out where your classes are and make a plan to get there in a timely manner.  Make sure you know your schedule, especially if it rotates on a daily basis.

    Get to know at least one person in each class in case you forget to write down a homework assignment or you're out.

    Turn your cell phone to silent mode.

    Join some clubs.  Try new things.  These are the best ways to find new friends.

    If you play sports, make sure you know when the tryouts are, and that you have your medical and parental permission forms ready.

  7. GET INVOLVED is my biggest tip! Even if it is only in one thing you are very passionate about, be it Women's Basketball, Drama Club, Cheerleading...sign up and do it! You will meet new ppl, as well as get to spend time with others you may already know (or know of).

    Oh yeah...and don't get all dressed up. There is nothing wrong with looking nice, but dress for the occasion. Nothing is funnier than seeing a young girl with a face full of makeup dressed like she just came from a nightclub in first period!:) MY FINAL TIP...and this comes from EXPERIENCE...find out when picture day will be captured in the yearbook FOREVER!

    You will like it; stay out of the drama, be nice (to those who are nice to you!), keep a good head on your shoulders and you will be fine. High school goes by wayyy too fast!

  8. Just relax. Its not as bad as most people and TV shows make it out to be. You'll have a blast. Just take in the experience and have fun. Of course we all get nervous but you'll see within a couple days you'll feel eager to go.
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