
High School is so crazy what do I do?

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Okay k-7 grade I got all As. Then 8th grade came and I was tired of been a nerd so I got a makeover new clothes everything. My new me worked I was sitting on top of the world. Now on the other hand my grades went down hill since I got caught up in drama. Now high school is here and yes I still have my dorky friends who I avoid...and my popular ones. Now I know if I remain with these new friends I won't go anywhere in life. So I have to choose 4 years of fun and life of regrets. Or bad 4 years made fun of and live happily ever after? You see I want to have a good life but I'm not sure if I'm ready to lose my social status you can say. What should I do?




  1. Ok here is what I have to say. I get told I am pretty and my grades show that I am smart (straight A's since forever) and I had friends who were "popular" but they weren't like my close friends. Theres no point to try to be popular cause what you say is you dumped you friends to be stupid. point blank. NEVER do that. When you get in horrible drama, who is gonna be there? The popular people would say oh just forget about it lets go shopping! While your REAL friends give you a shoulder to cry on and give advice. Stick to your smart ways, keep your look you are comfortable with but it has to be the true you, and keep your true friends. That is the only advice I can give you.

  2. I'm sure your "popular" friends will not make fun of you all through high school. Plus, depending on the size of it, you may not even see them enough.  

  3. I just started high school too.

    Are you saying that your new friends won't like you if you are smart and get good grades. Ha. Some friends. Being smart does not make you a nerd. Trust me I though the exact same thing. Start hitting the books. And if you lose a couple of friends along the way, well they obviously weren't your friends to begin with.

  4. I graduated high school last year and believe me when I say there is sooo much out there. In high school most people are shallow and superficial and dont appreciate you for your best qualities... so i guess what I'm saying is enjoy high school WHILE getting your education..that is the reason we go in the first place right?

  5. Don't you understand?

    They lived happily ever after

  6. go to d school..........sit on d last bench & start napping; buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Popularity and social status will disappear once your graduate and everyone else moves on to other things.  Once you are an adult, no one will care how popular you were back in high school.

    I say stick with your dorky friends. They are most likely to be loyal to you in the years to come. You can still be "cool" and fashionable, and go to the decent parties, without betraying your old friends or getting too involved in silly, childish drama. You decide your own level of involvement.

  8. just balance it out.  Make sure you do all your work but on the weekends and/or friday, let lose!  work hard in the week so you can have fun on the weekends, what i do

  9. i agree with the second answer. i used to be great at math and im not a nerd.

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