
High Speed Train Edinburgh to London?

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Would the country benefit from a service that goes around 186 mph (Eurostar speed) to provide services Edinburgh to London with stops at major cities (ie Carlisle, Newcastle, York) only? The current speed of a GNER or Virgin train is 125 mph.

The plane services from any UK (excluding. N. Ireland) airport should be abolished for a more 'green' Britain. It would be a perfect solution to a growing problem.

I know the new line would take a long time to build, but I think it's something they should look into.

What are your views?




  1. In principle you are right. A fast train would be a better option than flights lasting less than an hour.  Actually the current UK fast train is 225 km/h which is about 140 mph.  The old 125 diesels are still around but the electrics are a bit faster.  On mainland Europe we enjoy 300 kph or more these days but to be viable there needs to be a good track and I think you will find in the UK there is often not enough space to construct the track for a high speed service.  I know for example Eurostar could never fit through all the tunnels and bridges on the Great Western route and I expect similar problems exist on the lines up North.  Even a reliable and integrated 225 km/h service should compete with flying and in my opinion there should be heavy taxes on all mainland flights of less than 1 hour to discourage them.  However you cant expect people to use trains that are not regular, reliable and economic.

  2. yeah i love the idea, maybe a maglev, if u dont know what it is google it, but yes i belive train travel is the future =)

  3. The GNER or Virgin train takes 4 hours to go 500 miles.  

    Each probably replaced a train that took 8 hours for the trip originally, so the new train saves a traveler 4 hours.  

    Your proposed train would take 2 hours and 40 minutes.  

    How much do you think any rail line could charge to shave 1 hour and 20 minutes off a trip?  Maybe the pay that's earned in that time?  Maybe.  

    I don't think you're going to find anyone wanting to fund this construction.

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