
High Voltage Power Lines ARE THEY SAFE?

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I live about 300 meters away from those high voltage power lines (the huge transmission lines). My question is that there are about 8 of them grouped togeather. If it was just one I wouldnt be so concerend, but why do they build them so close to one another?

anyways I am worried about the negative health effects from all these high voltage transmission lines on my health. I understand it is generally safe if your at least 200 meters away but does that count if there are 8 of them standing all togeahter in one spot?

I am willing to move away if there is a major concern here, so please be honest

thank you




  1. While there has been speculation on possible health effects, both sides of the question have concluded that the field lines do not have an effect on nearby organisms.

    The fact of the matter is that a cell phone held close to your head has a greater influence that a high voltage line meters away.

    You might want to check out the pros and cons of the argument but bear in mind that no has been able to find any correlation between proximity to power lines and adverse health effect.

  2. I have the same problem..

    And dont know how to solve it.

  3. The reason there are so many is that once they have the right-of-way for one, adding more for growth is much easier than getting a whole new route.

    There are some studies that indicate possible health concerns but nothing really concrete yet.

    Some research has found that exposure to elevated levels of ELF magnetic fields such as those originating from electric power transmission lines may be implicated in a number of adverse health effects. These include, but are not limited to, childhood leukemia [10], adult leukemia[11], breast cancer[12], neurodegenerative diseases (such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)[13][14][15], Miscarriage[16][17][18], and clinical depression. Although there seems to be a small statistical correlation between various diseases and living near power lines, the physical mechanism is not clear. One proposed mechanism is that the electric fields around power lines attract aerosol pollutants.[19][20]

    The strongest evidence linking EMF to cancer was fabricated. Most people, when quizzed, have heard of the link between EMF's and cancer, but relatively few people have heard of the fabricated data leaving a public perception that power lines are far more dangerous than they are.[6] Indeed, the UN World Health Organization has concluded "...a cause-and-effect link between ELF field exposure and cancer has not been confirmed.

    Full article here:

  4. High Voltage lines generate electric fields.

    The farther you are the lower the field.

    Read this:

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