
High blood pressure?

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my hubby has high blood pressure but hasnt been to the dr to get any meds or anything for it. is there a way to naturally lower high blood pressure?




  1. This worked for me.

  2. First, you and your husband should consult a medical doctor. Then, with that information in hand, you can decide on anything else that you might want to investigate. I personally read and follow the advice of Drs. Cass Ingram and also Dr. Mehmet Oz. These doctors are proven and have been helpful in saving many people's lives.  What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. I wish you well.

  3. Yes, a low fat, high fiber diet, cardiovascular exercise and reduced stress (ie: yoga, meditation, pilates). High blood pressure is what we call a multifactorial disease. This means that it usually takes a genetic component, inherited from your family, plus other factors like increased weight, mismanagment of stress, unhealthy diet and/or sedentary lifestyle for this condtion to express itself. It's a little tough to do but I'd recommend the anti-inflammatory diet. You can read about it on Dr. Seaman's website listed below. It's free. You don't have to buy anything and if you're serious about treating this you can probably do it all yourself. Some great supplements that would help would be omega 3 fatty acids and alpha-lipoic acid. Best of luck to you!

  4. He really needs to go to the doctor and get medicine.  In the mean time, have him cut back on salt and caffeine.  Also, the more exercise the better -- within reason, of course.  Walking is great for your heart.  Try to get him to at least go for a walk.

  5. See this page which gives information about the herb that is used for hypertension.

    Scroll down the page you find the name of the herb.

  6. in a high blood pressure our dietologists advices take remedies,herbal collections,do exercises and drink a chicory coffee not with caffeine.

    please register in my group and check a left board or feel free ask.

    be happy help you!

  7. - lose weight

    - get a check up to make sure something serious isn't going on

    - exercise (swimming, running, biking--not heavy working out in a gym)

    - deal with anxiety and do biofeedback (see below)

    I just got an Emwave as my BP has been spiking lately and I don't want to increase meds.  It's a machine that shows you how to breathe and do a meditation-like activity (mainly just positive thinking) and it WORKS.  My doctor had me try it, and I got one.  It's about $175 on Amazon but it is really a godsend.

  8. He needs to see a doctor and asess the situation.

    High fiber diet.

    Moderate physical activity, swimming is ideal.

    Accupuncture. Find a good TCM doctor in your area.

  9. How I escaped from Hyper Tension in two months? !

    But because it came back next year I've made a plan for six months that put it in the end forever.. To basis of any bad situation of body there is a bad situation of soul. it is very clearly in hypertension, Three months after my husband passed away and crying each half hour and smoking 40 cigarettes a day, I found my systolic tension 220. And this happened in the midnight and I was alone. This figure is a catastrophic limit. Above this number is happening stroke. So in that very moment I have to do something drastically. The first thing without panic ,please. The second I run to open door if..Heaven forbid!..will happen something bad with me....

    Then I took a strong pill to urgently drop it {the first and unique pill in the last 10 years}. I began to deep and slowly breathe and imagined how my blood pressure lets down. After half hour my hypertension was 190.Early in the morning I woke up

    with a strong decision to rid of it. In the past 30 years I was never sick due to my belief and practice of alternative medicine. Now, I knew that I did it to myself, I have to heal myself. I threw cigarettes to 5-6 a day, I started a special diet , in a moment I'll tell you why and how, and yoga All these for sure helped me in relatively short time to get a 130/70 blood pressure. But unfortunately, I made a mistake thinking to close my business and go to work for an impossible boss.And this made me angry , nervous, stressed without any satisfaction One single year in this situation and one day I felt dizziness and once again I controled my blood pressure and I saw in the morning it is ok. ,afternoon it is 180 or 170 or 190 and it depends of the degree of my stress in the same day, but not only. I neglected myself, I ate much carbohydrate, I felt all the time that someone else control my life and I make nothing to prevent it. What is very bad is I know what to do but I don't Please, learn from my story to recognize the emotional facts as the cause to hypertension and try to evaporate it. try I told you ,or learn how to react to the daily stress. It is the core of this ill. Now I will unveil you the " secret" of natural remedy by diet .It means in any sickness our blood has an acidic pH and we need to neutralize it by eating foods which after absorbtion alkalize the cells and the blood. The list is very long you can goggle for it and choose what you like. I like watermelon ,now is the season and my blood pressure is constantly 120/65 already two years. I like carrots, broccoli,fish and fruits. The secret is until you heal yourself { less than a week} you need to eat 80% alkalizing foods and 20 % acidic foods. To mantain a perfect health you need to eat 60 % alkalizing foods and 40% acidic foods like meat.

    Wishing you a good health forever.

  10. Follow all the great advice given  in the above answers but, please motivate your husband to see a doctor because it is very important.
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