
High blood pressure...?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so I was at this place with my parents where they measured your blood pressure, with the little chart thing to guide you along (Btw, I know hardly anything about this stuff. just to inform you). I measured mine, and it said that my systolic was around 150. and on the chart, that says that it's high.. I'm 15, and is that completely wrong or am I going to die or something? I know, I overreact.. but I got kinda freaked out.




  1. Yeah, mines was high like 149 too..IDK..may wanna go to doc

    i'm 15 too

  2. I don't think there are a lot of physicians hanging out on Yahoo Answers - I may be wrong - but you really need to seek the advice of a professional. I don't think you should decide if you are going to live or die based upon a machine in a shopping mall or store. Go talk to your doctor.

  3. A systained systolic blood pressure (BP) of 150 for the age of 15 is a little on the higher side. Please donot get worried and check your BP once or twice again with a standard mercury mamometer and get yourself investigated for the cause by your doctor.

    If no cause can be ascertained it may be treated as primary hypertension with sutiable medicines.  

  4. A blood pressure of 150 is not real high if you are on birth control that  can make your  BP be alittle on the high side so go see your doctor to find out why yours is high if your not on birth control then 150 is to high for someone of your age unless your over weight, eat alot of fatty food, salt ect.. that can make your blood pressure go up also

    Take care of your health while your young .

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