
High bunny maintenance!please help me what can i do?

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i had only one bunny she is a girl she required barly any maintenance at all.then i got her a mate and everything went started to smell horible i found out that my new bunny was peeing out of the cage on my carpet so i had to shampoo my carpet then i put down a board so i can clean it up dont realy work well.i have to clean up the pee atleast every 20 mins to keep it smelling fresh.i had to buy special bedding and very expensive oder control.i still have to do the same thing.i dunno what to do.i just want to give the guy bunny away he makes my room smell then the whole house.what can i do please help me?




  1. Try putting a small litter box with high sides in a corner of there cage and to potty train them somewhat. When they pee outside of the box take the bedding and put it in there litter box so they smell it in there litter box and will go there. This worked wonders with my chinchilla and I'm pretty sure it works with rabbits. Good luck

  2. They're marking territory, this gets even worse if you have 2 of the opposite genders or you try encouraging them to breed.  If you get them spayed and neutered, it will take care of the problem.

    Female bunnies DO spray too, so don't assume it's just the one.

  3. then if you aren't going to split cage/seperate or give 1 away then why accept any answers?

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