
High gas costs= less speeders?

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We've all heard about our police force adding surcharges to our speeding tickets to offset their operating costs.

My question is with fuel costs so high and most people easing off the gas pedal, do you think there will be a shortage of law-breakers to fund the system?

If so, do you think the officers will be less lenient with us going 2-5 mph over the posted speed? Just something I've wondered about because if we didn't break the law, they'd be out of a job basically.




  1. far too many municipalities depend on fines from traffic just to keep afloat.

    This is a gross conflict of interest, is immoral, and should be illegal. Police officers are simply tax collectors with guns, often times enforcing idiotic and putative laws just to make a fast buck off victim motorists.

    Every police department devotes most if its resources to traffic enforcement and drug enforcement, not because these are out of control issues, but ONLY because that's where the MONEY is!

    Drug seizures and traffic tickets = BIG BUCKS

    Pretty disgusting.   Shame on them ! They are no better than thieves and crooks we pay them to catch.  

    Too bad crooks are so broke, and there is no money in catching them.

  2. I have not seen any people slowing down except me. They all pass me.

  3. There has been a drop in speeding and in vehicle use.

    As an insurance adjuster - I have noticed a big drop in the number of claims I get for motor vehicle accidents. I was talking to a tow truck operator a few weeks ago and he mentioned that 'the wreck business" has dropped off a lot.

    So yes - people are driving less and when they do drive - they are driving slower. This is resulting in less automobile accidents. (at least what I am seeing).  

  4. I think for the most part peoples driving habits are with them. Going 55 is not going to save much more gas than going 65 once you reach your cruising speed, it's more acceleration that wastes gas. People won't slow down even if they amke a national 55mph speed limit. Most people are not taking their foot off the pedal.

  5. No dearth of speeders yesterday on I-280 heading South out of SF.  Seems the flow of traffic was about 80 MPH.

  6. Hmmm... well, I drive a Suzuki GSXR 1000 with a top speed of about 186 mph ...... at 50 miles per gallon. So no. It won't apply to me.  

  7. Actually, it's funny that you ask this question. As a Officer for the NYC Highway Patrol, over the last 2 months, I have in fact noticed a discenible drop in the amount of people speeding.

    Some of them may be because of the increased price of gas, some pay also be because of the rise in the monetary penalty for speeding (in NY, it's really bad - and most drivers are unaware until they receive the nasty letter from DMV saying that they owe another $300 minimum) and I'd like to think because people are actually slowing down.

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