
High gas prices, what do we do?

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Give me your idea for how to get the gas prices lowered or what our government should do




  1. Just announcing that we'll be drilling offshore or in ANWAR would cause the speculators to lower their expectations.

    This would lower prices within a very short time period.

    The long term solution is to drill for more oil and refine more gasoline.  There is currently no substitute for oil right now and as we progress we need more and more of the substance.  All other countries that are progressing economically are wanting more oil, so the demand is increasing.

    About 70% of the country has stated that they want us to drill more, but the democrats won't listen to them.  So it's the democrats in Congress who are standing in the way of lowering prices.  Something tells me they want high prices since they are so heavily invested in the oil companies.  Also they like us to suffer so they can pretend to be the solution.

    I don't know what we can do other than write to congress and complain.  Even the president sees the solution, but the liberal run congress will not let us solve this problem.

    Basically, we need for government to get out of the way and let the free market solve this problem.

  2. Well gasoline prices surely ar't going down any time soon and it makes you wonder if there is something around the corner that is making oil companys and governments cash in on fossil feuls , while the gettin is good. I don't think there is alot we can do about the current prices , but we can leviate the problem by choosing an alternate feul source . Transportation uses 70% of all our oil resourses , so as long as the demand is there, we are perty much doomed .

  3. Drive less!

  4. Well i think we shouldn't buy them. If less people bought it , then they would eventually just lower them. Plus we should use the bus or something to help save the environment

  5. Try driving less.

  6. The government is not going to do much, unfortunately. Getting the gas prices lowered is a dream. Maybe giving the head oil companies a conscience? The government is trying to use other resources like ethonal, but how long will that take and what will the price be compared to what it is now. Think about how much they tax for gasoline what is it 43 cents per gallon, multiply by the millions being pumped per day, can you tell me where it is going? The power of the oil companies are more powerful than the government they are the ones running the show. try making your own fuel.

  7. Carpool

    Ride a bike

    Take transit

    Get a hybrid car


    Use gas alternatives

    Move to Venezuela

    As far as what we can do to lower prices and get the government to do, there's simply nothing.

  8. i actually want gas prices to go higher. just kidding.

    but i am curious to see what will happen if gas goes up to five, six or more dollars gallon. maybe then the world will be filled with people walking and riding bikes and healthier people. plus, there wouldn't be less pollution. :] so i guess that maybe having gas prices go higher would be a positive thing

  9. i have a mazda 2008 tribute which i just bought a few months ago but gas is quite expensive so i bought a bike to comute to work and back every day.

  10. Currently there are few things we can do to lower our gas prices since the US actually has very few taxes on our gas in comparison to most other countries.  

    One answer is to rely on alternative energy which would lower the demand for gasoline and then decrease the price.  We could also try and lower our use of gasoline to lower demand which would lower prices.  

    The reason gas is so expensive right now is due to a few factors: weak dollar which relates to oil because it is priced in dollars, increased demand (US oil consumption keeps going up but the real increase is coming from China and India which have so many people and are using more and more gas), the volatility of the region in which we import most of our oil (the Middle East) and the fact that we have either reached peak oil production or will reach that point soon means lower supply of the fuel.

  11. supply and produces 85 million bbl a 10 yrs china and india will use 85 million bbls a the math...the dollar is worth nothing...oil cos are making less $ per dollar than walmart! the oil is now owned by the countrys that have the past the oil cos did.

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