
High gas prices..will we see a state of depression?

by  |  earlier

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the high gas prices are doing damage in our life,,if the gas prices dont start goin down the truck drives are not going to drive..that means no products in our stores,,and no food in the local grocery mart..there loosing more money than making,i seen a car hauler the other day filling up.took him 475$ to top off the just blew my mind.

what do you think




  1. I have been telling people for 2 years this was happening and do I feel great in a bad way now that I was correct.

    Yes it is coming and gold is the only way to protect yourself in any possible way.

    Gold is not going up nor is the Euro as they keep saying.

    Prices are the same to but the value of the US $ is down and so it takes more money to buy these foreign goods, gold, oil ect.

    It will get worse as long as we stick to the same foreign policies and the Federal Reserve is in charge of fluctuating the value of our money on a whim.

    go to google video and type in federal reserve and you will see just how much trouble we are in

  2. LOL

  3. Good luck and happy easter!

  4. if everyone is smart about it we will not go into a depresion because there is soo much alternitaves out there

  5. Gas will continue to increase in price, there is no doubt. But it will never get so high that the average american cannot afford it, because when that happens the oil company profits will slide into the toilet and they obviously don't want that to happen.

  6. Diesel is the most sought after fuel out there. Most countries, especially European ones, most of the entire transportation systems rely on diesel. Thus the demand is so high. It's also very difficult to make and process diesel to meet emissions now. That's what has caused the price of diesel to be so high. Many truck drivers are slowing down 5 & 10 mph. That translates to about 1 mpg savings. And that is alot I tell ya. Also, your right about truck drivers having trouble. But, they are increasing their fuel surcharges to keep up. That means the new sofa you wanted just cost another $50 because of fuel alone. Yes, truck drivers are paying, but so are you to have your goods delivered.

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