
High level RACISM in Hispanic Gangs in LA. Is the racism in these Latin gangs a problem with Latins or is it?

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just the down and dirties fighting with each other?

Does America need to focus and protect ourselves from this kind of racism, or are we just going to let it go like we have the borders, illegal immigration and a host of other ills our society faces? (Note, the Latin gangs are the one's attacking others for racial differences allegedly here.)




  1. This is in the wrong forum. What do gangs have to do with immigration? Those Latin gang members are usually US citizens, not immigrants, and they are usually illiterate, clowns who even illegals don't want anything to do with.

    No, you are trying to paint all Latinos with the same brush and there is nothing in that article that states that those Latin gangmembers have anything to do with illegal immigration, furthermore, many of us Hispanics/Latinos (like myself) do not have any relatives from or living in Latin America. Just like not all white Americans are KKK members and have n**i relatives, not all blacks are from Africa or have Crip or blood relatives, not all Latinos are gang-affiliated, racists, or illegals, we are all different types of people from all different backgrounds who happen to share a cultural/language similarities. You need to take a Sociology class or two.

  2. u're actual question has NOTHING to do with immigration

    change u're question to another forum

  3. So are you saying that all hispanics are bad because you've seen some latin gangs? There are gangs of all races. Once you leave LA you will find that this is not the case. I live near thousands of illegal hispanics and I have never once seen or heard of a gang of them.

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