
High maintenance! Are you????

by Guest33999  |  earlier

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Ok would you say your high mainanance & why? I am! I always want attention and i spend time out on my looks and i love shopping! I wonder if ne1 is worse than me hahahaha xxxx




  1. Hello,

    Well i would say sometimes i can be high maintenance but, other times i am not. It just depends on the situation.


  2. Haha, it depends. Sometimes I am SO picky about the way I want things, and I won't do them any other way, and somtimes the simplest things will make me happy. For example, once in choir, I liked the color on the music we were using, so I raised my hand and told the teacher. She told me I was too easy to please. So, I guess it all depends. And yes, I like attention too! I dont spend too terribly long on my looks. I spend about 45 minutes getting ready. I am terribly picky about the way my hair looks though. It seems like I can NEVER get it just the way I want it! Ugh! So, overall, I guess I'm medium matinence. Cheers!

  3. No im not at all high maintenance. I don't have the money to be. Don't get me wrong i have my own job and everything but i have to set my priorities. If i had the money though..i proably would be.

    Answer mine?;...

  4. Hahahahahah Mew Mew!!

    It's okay to be a little hight maintenance! I'm not but Monica from Friends is ahah. I watch that too much lol. Chandler said I like that your a little high maintenance because I like maintaining you :)

    Awwwww :D lol

  5. yes have my hair done every two weeks, nails are always done, new top at least every week sometimes more. I can just go camping for the weekend and not worry tho, i just prefer to look nice

  6. yeah im a lil high maintenance. i love getting my hair done, love love LOVE shopping, always wear makeup, wont leave the house without makeup on, love heels. but when i want something i d**n well work till i get it. not affraid to get my hands dirty.  

  7. There isn't a need for me to be HM because everything is already the way I like it. I do things for myself and spend very little time on looks face wise and hair is easy to style. I do like to shop though I do see how that makes me HM when I just throw any of the clothes I have on and create new styles.

  8. No, I'm not.

    I'm too simple.

    I spend about 10 minutes on my looks, don't wear make up, and I don't ask for much.  If I want something, I go out and get a job, earn the money, and go get what I want.


  9. Ye im pretty high maintenance. I can't leave the house without wearing mascara and my hair has to be perfect lol. I spend ages getting ready and I put a lot of thought into my outfits :)

    It's quite fun really :D

  10. no.  i'm just naturally blessed with an amazing body and face so i really don't have to try that hard.

  11. no not really...i mean i like to keep my hair healty, and i like to have products for my hair and skin and stuff

    but nah not really

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