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My newborn is only a week old so it may sound silly to be asking, but she will not sleep without being held. Any suggestions? Also, she does not seem to know how to be awake without pacifying -on me! Any advice welcome! (except 'sleep when she sleeps'-I wish I could!) :)




  1. Try to think of it from her point of view:  She literally thinks that you and her are the same person.  She doesn't understand anything beyond her immediate comfort level, and when you're not there she is not comfortable.  This is just part of being a newborn.  It's as if your legs suddenly disappeared and you had no idea why.  One day she will realize you are a separate person from her and she will let you out of her sight.

  2. I would try getting someone else to hold her for a while for immediate help.  Then you can get some rest right away.  You can try using white noise to sooth her - ie. a radio or baby monitor tuned to static.  She may fall asleep if you leave those running right in her crib with her - or very close.  You can try swaddling her.  I'm sure your arms make her feel secure and the swaddling might compensate for that.  You might find that these two "tricks" will help here sleep and also pacify her when she is awake.

    When you have a chance, I would check out the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" for advice on soothing a fussy baby and helping them sleep.

  3. She's only a week old.  She is used to being craddled in the womb so wanting to be hold when she sleeps is not unusual.  Give it time; she'll learn to sleep on her own.  Don't be pushy as she IS only a week old.  Enjoy her while you can and wants to be held.  My daughter is so independent she does not really care to be held.

  4. Buy a sling and wear her while she is sleeping, you'll be hands free and she'll be nice and cozy!

  5. Welcome to motherhood. :) She's only a week old. She's not "high maintenance" at all. Give her time to adjust to her new surroundings. She was in a small, cozy, place for 9 months and her new world is BIG.

    Are you swaddling her? If not, do it. Also make the "shh, shh, shh" noise quietly in her ear. Soft music or white noise may also help. We rolled up towels and put on either side(not by his face) of our baby boy and this helped him to feel more secure when he was sleeping.

  6. Many moms do not mind being a human pacifier while others do not want their baby looking to nurse at every waking hour.  Since she is so very new it is important that she is able to nurse whenever she needs to but that doesn't mean she has to hang out there if you don't want her to.  But do try the swaddlers (blankets that have Velcro flaps that make it harder for the baby to get out of) and try positioning the baby on her side with a special position pillow IF her doctor says that's ok.  Sometimes babies have a hard time sleeping on their backs as recommended, but always ask the doc first.  Try a few different kinds of pacifiers now that nursing is established since it often takes a few tries with different ones.  The bed might feel too big and open to her so try resting her in the swing or a papasan-type bouncy seat while swaddled.  That did the trick for my kid who was in the swaddler until 2 months old!  

  7. Have you tried swaddling her..... it gives her that comfort that she had in the womb.... remember..... she is only a week old.... and up until now.... she spent all her time being tight and warm inside your belly.  Its a BIG adjustment for a newborn.  Swaddling works great.... and so do swings.... swings give babies that movement and helps soothe them to sleep.... it reminds them of the movement they experienced in your belly.  My son LOVED being swaddled and also loved the swing.... he would nap for hours in the swing everyday.

  8. a swaddler from babies-r-us........ keeps them feeling secure use it for a week or so and she will sleep throught the night no problem after a week or so take it away and she sleep fine..

  9. Get a sleep positioner like this:

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